by The Searcher 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    I was talking with an elderly sister today, and she brought up the topic of pioneering in March & April. She then mentioned the elderly brother who has an extremely serious condition who was used to explain to the congregation, how he would adjust to be able to get the pioneer hours in.

    It became 100% clear to the sister (and probably others) that this brother could die by pushing himself so hard.

    Loving shepherds, prove it - don't sanction such ones to enrol for such a life-threatening exercise. If you really know the sheep, then for God's sake, act like a true Christian. ©

  • MrFreeze

    If the loving shepherds really cared they wouldn't let anybody pioneer. So much wasted time.

  • wasblind

    She then mentioned an Elderly brother who has an extremely serious condition

    who was used to explain to the congregation , how he would adjust to be able to get

    the pioneer hours in_________The Searcher

    Somebody need to ask that Elderly brother how well adjusted is he

    and find out what will he do in a situation that requires a fast run

    when a slow walk won't do.


  • lostinnj83

    A similar expereince was given in my hall. An elderly sister was speaking of the health limitations she has but how much she is looking forward to putting forth the effort. It really is sickening that even after many years of "faithful" service more is being demanded from people, literally until they take their last breath!! SMH!!

  • punkofnice

    Stealing words from WTWizard, it's a waste of time. They could do 1 hour per month and achieve the same result. Nothing.

    At least it makes the JWs feel special if they do it and guilty if they don't.

  • WTWizard

    There is such a thing as "reasonable and prudent". If that's the only thing that gives such people any pleasure and there is no way they can learn to derive pleasure from any other source (since they are too sick and will not be around long), fine. But, anyone that is in bad medical condition and can derive pleasure from other sources (such as watching movies, listening to music, light gardening, watching the spring flowers come out, etc.) and is guilted into pious-sneering, that is stealing their last months of life plus possibly hastening their demise. Even something like light gardening might help prolong life slightly or make their last months more joyful, or at worst kill them in a couple of enjoyable months instead of suffering for a year or so.

    Generally, the point where you did enough is that point where the next unit you do just starts costing more in opportunity cost than the real benefit you derive from it. For those elderly that are too sick to learn anything new and cannot derive pleasure from any other source, it might make sense for them to die with a washtowel rag in one hand and a bookbag or LIE-ble in the other. For everyone else, it doesn't--and the example where someone who cannot derive pleasure from any other source should not be used as representative. This is about as representative as the person that takes a diet pill for 60 days and loses 200 pounds and keeps it off for 20 years after the pills are discontinued. It does happen, but rarely and most people will get worse results. Likewise, most people should not pious-sneer because the opportunity costs are greater than the benefits.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    Look, if the Watchtower organization were really the "Truth," then it would be a righteous desire to share what they had. It's only when one proceeds from the asumption that the whole thing is a farce that it becomes contemptable to want to take it to others. And Jesus, before he ascended to Heaven, told his followers that many of them would be slain for the Gospel's sake. John was almost 100 years old when he wrote the book of Revelation. If someone had said, "He shouldn't be spending all that time writing; he's an old man!" The Gospel of John had not even been written when the book of Revelation was written, so he was far from finished when he was writing his apocalypse.

    If I were a JW, I would face death with some trepidation. I don't like the idea of not existing after death or of being recreated at some future time. Most Christians, however, believe their spirits will not only live on after death, but that they'll be in a place far better than here on Earth. If atheists are correct, then what difference does anything make? Whether someone croaks in the middle of a door approach really only means the person died doing what they enjoyed.

    Older pioneers might be better off going to nursing homes and other places where they can place Watchtower materials. The only problem would be is if Evangelical "Christians" happened to be right, in which case a vengeful God would be waiting to throw everyone but them into a burning and never-ending Hell.

    So as people get closer to death, many feel a need to get closer to God. It surprises me that some people seem to feel that living for as long as possible is the only logical desire for the elderly.

  • irondork

    "If you die in the field service, you're automatically in paradise." - (note the quotation marks)

  • gma-tired2

    Irondorl that means my Grandpa is in Paradise. He died doing field service in his70s . Died in the 1940's

  • Rattigan350

    That's why I love to hear when the economy goes bad and gas prices go up. If they won't listen to reason, then they will listen to their wallets.

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