breaking an engagement consequences

by spirituk 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • sieborg

    when I broke off my engagement I got the third degree from two elders. Three years later one of the elders who gave me a hard time, his own son got divorced and left the truth . wanted to go up to him and question him about all the grubby details but i never did. I would have been just as bad as him if i had done so.

  • jgnat

    IRL, lots of drama, then life goes on.

    "unilaterally breaks his (or her) engagement to marry"

    In witness-land, it appears, the elders have their finger in the pie. blech.

    Definition of unilaterally: Of, on, relating to, involving, or affecting only one side.

    Well, duh. If an engagement is broken off, it is going to be unilateral. Unless both parties are equally estranged from each other. The WTS is suggesting that such momentous decisions require the "wisdom" of the elder body. In my most humble opinion, the only parties that should be part of such a decision is the couple themselves. After all, it's their life.

    The stupidest marriages I have seen (ie Kardashian wedding) were where a party knew they were walking in to a mistake, but were swept up in the momentum of the event. They worried about the opinion of parents, relatives, friends, and the disinterested public. They didn't have the courage to stop the train.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    In the JW world long engagements are frowned upon because it could lead the couple into pressure to commit immorality ,so says the Watchtower

    I remember a couple of instances were couples broke off their engagement , in the first one the man was reproved .In the other instances a talk was given about keeping our word ,making our yes mean yes type of talk ,but I don't remember them getting any restrictions .

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