How do I keep from being an enabler while not appearing like Satan

by marriedtoajw 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi marriedtoajw, Have you called Steve Hassan yet or a good cult exit counselor who lives near you, as I recommended in the thread Help!!! that you started?

    Things ain't going to get better until you talk with a professional counselor who has experience deprogramming a person who has been indoctrinated with BITE control techniques. Talk with a good-professional cult exit counselor it will be a lot cheaper for you financially and emotionally in the long run. Contact Steve Hassan by email or by phone tomorrow.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Gayle

    if anything, you sound like a gentle soul,,taking everyone else into consideration,,but maybe not yourself enough. Your concerns are valid regarding your younger son. Time for your son to get "reality." Time is now, for his own sake, it won't get any easier.

  • jgnat

    Charge rent.

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