Pelican Bay State Prison

by LoisLane looking for Superman 0 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    A couple of weeks ago, playing on Facebook, I typed in the name of a girl, I studied with. Her son's name came up. I clicked on it.

    Oh my. He looks to me sweet and lost but from a 'Hood.

    I know the circumstance of his birth. I held him as a new born. His mother was so sweet and shy. Just a young teenage girl.

    I sent him a message. How handsome he was. He looks like his Grandpa, Uncle and mom. He friended me. I OK'ed it, then looked at his site again, and unfriended him.

    His mom, I am now sorry to say, was baptized years ago. He...well he is considerably what we would call really worldly. Just yesterday he put up that his Education was at Pelican Bay State Prison. He had the click on Youtube videos of the race riots that happened while he was in. Blacks against Sur Mexicans.

    I feel so sorry for him.

    Just Lois

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