One law, a dream...

by freeflyingfaerie 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • freeflyingfaerie

    What if there was a universal law, only One Law?

    The law would be that each mother and father must be loving toward their children. No abuse of any kind. Absolutely no physical harm allowed. No demeaning remarks, name-calling, yelling. No neglect either.

    If a generation of children was raised on love, acceptance, kindness....wouldn't this change things drastically?

    When someone harms themselves or another, or simply feels overcome by sadness or anger....and the person gets professional help, counseling...what does the psychologist began asking about? Childhood, at some point? That's where it all began.

    Earth is a planet of bleeding hearts, it seems sometimes.

    What if the babies were shown tenderness and told they were beautiful and capable? These babies would grow up loving themselves and feeling beautiful and spreading that to others...and there would be healing.

    Idealist, yes. Dreamer, yes. So it is...

    ps~ And there would be no need to make up stories about some big daddy in the sky that punishes and/or kills us, or watch while the innocent are tormented. Stories of a reflection of mankind's own atrocities. Stories born of the pains in man's minds.

  • Satanus

    Would lawyers be allowed?


  • freeflyingfaerie

    lol, good one. I'll have to get back to you on that...

  • Satanus

    Lawyers complicate laws.


  • freeflyingfaerie

    Eventually society will evolve into a lawyerless race. We wouldn't be so afraid and wouldn't need to argue through libraries full of legalistic jargon. We'd be too busy playing with pandas!!! (sound familiar?) but, really, we can do better than this...

  • Satanus

    'we can do better than this...'

    For sure. On the big evolutionary time scale, we haven't really begun, yet. We are newly arrived, and don't yet know how to exercise our power, or what out potential is. We don't even undertsand our world, or ourselves, for that matter.


  • Chaserious
  • freeflyingfaerie


    Yes, that's it!

  • Fed-up

    "Look! Here comes that dreamer. And now come let us kill him..." -Genesis 37:18,19

    Well, they caught sight of him from a distance, and before he could get close by them they began plotting cunningly against him to put him to death. So they said to one another: “Look! Here comes that dreamer. And now come and let us kill him and pitch him into one of the waterpits; and we must say a vicious wild beast devoured him. Then let us see what will become of his dreams.” When Reu′ben heard this he tried to deliver him out of their hand. So he said: “Let us not strike his soul fatally.” And Reu′ben went on to say to them: “Do not spill blood. Pitch him into this waterpit which is in the wilderness and do not lay a violent hand upon him.” His purpose was to deliver him out of their hand in order to return him to his father.

    So it came about that as soon as Joseph came to his brothers, they went stripping Joseph of his long garment, even the long striped garment that was upon him; after which they took him and pitched him into the waterpit. At the time the pit was empty; there was no water in it. -Genesis 37:18-24

  • doofdaddy

    From my experience I see that we are all born a clean slate, an empty page. "Caregivers" and others are handed a crayon. Some start off a little wobbly but through experience improve their writing on this page, sometimes an eraser is required but remnants of the writing remain. Others just scribble on the page creating chaos. Still others just crush and crumple the page and discard it.

    It is our role as adults, whether parents, family or not to write with our very best hand writing on our precious pages, the next generation(s).

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