What's Real About the Rapture?

by garyneal 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • garyneal


    This is an interesting article posted by the Christian left from thw Huffington Post. I know Jehovah's Witnesses do not teach the rapture (except maybe for the 144,000) so all of them expect to live through the tribulation (whatever that was to them). When I was an IFB, our pastor would regularly talk about the rapture of the church and that we had to be found doing right by God to be raptured up or face the seven year tribulation period. Jack Van Impe ministries would often reinforce this message and preach that if you were left behind then the chances of your making it through the tribulation were slim to none. Though he did get 'new light' and released a video saying that there was a chance, he named it Left Behind and my dumb self ordered a copy just in case.

    One thing that puzzled me somewhat was that back in 2009 when I was trying to find the REAL truth, I remember reading on Wikipedia about the rapture. It stated that the concept of the rapture is RECENT (getting its roots in the 19th century) and was not something that people always believed in (or even were aware of). This article points that out.

    Let's just say that the scales were beginning to fall off my eyes back in 2009.

  • garyneal

    Oh, and of couse, let's not forget this series based on the belief in the rapture.

  • tec

    Is left behind the movie, based on the book series?

    When Christ returns, He gathers all of those who belong to Him - those who are living, and those who have died in the flesh... they are caught up with him, and changed to be like him... in a twinkling. The first resurrection. The second resurrection doesn't happen until th end of the 'thousand' year reign of Christ and those who rule as kings and priests with Him.

    But I don't know if that is what some mainstream people are talking about when they use the term, rapture.



  • garyneal
    When Christ returns, He gathers all of those who belong to Him - those who are living, and those who have died in the flesh... they are caught up with him, and changed to be like him... in a twinkling. The first resurrection. The second resurrection doesn't happen until th end of the 'thousand' year reign of Christ and those who rule as kings and priests with Him.

    I can't recall whether or not IFB's believed in the whole two resurrection thing. I would say, yes since IFB's firmly believe in the first resurrection, the 1,000 year reign of Christ, and the final judgement. Where I am fuzzy on is whether or not IFB's believe that the great white throne of judgement occurs either after the tribulation or after the 1,000 year reign of Christ.

  • garyneal
    Is left behind the movie, based on the book series?

    Yes, my mother actually bought the series (I don't understand why). Jack Van Impe also came out with his own Left Behind video, mostly featuring Rexella interpreting world events and Jack tying them in with Bible prophesy (just like his tv shows).

  • tec

    I started reading some of that series. I had to stop. Too much like getting a sermon on things that I understand to be untrue... and that is one of the reasons I don't go looking for sermons to listen to ;)



  • LV101

    Question Gary: What does "IFB" stand for? Curious.


  • Tiktaalik

    The rapture has happened already. May 22 2011 I recall. It began with a series of earthquakes and the dead rose up from the grave. And there was mass panic and society collapsed. Planes crashed as their pilots were taken to heaven. And the world as we know ended that fateful day.

    Or maybe nothing happened and it was all the dreams of a demented sicko, Harold Camping.

    SO the only thing real about the rapture is the misery Camping bought to all those gullible people who believed his prophetic diarrhea. Many gave up their jobs and sold their homes so they could devote their final days to preaching and warning that the world was about to end.

  • Phizzy

    The Rapture concept is just total nonsense, wait a moment ................ where did everybody go ?

  • poppers

    "Jack Van Impe ministries would often reinforce this message and preach that if you were left behind then the chances of your making it through the tribulation were slim to none. Though he did get 'new light' and released a video saying that there was a chance, he named it Left Behind and my dumb self ordered a copy just in case."

    Jack van Impe (what a clown) and his fawning wife, Rexella, give me the giggles. Boy, they sure know how to create, feed, and and then exploit people's fears.

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