Jehovah the Almighty ... the god that never existed but created so much power toward certain men, in ancient times and modern times

by Finkelstein 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Finkelstein

    This one singular god devised and created by the ancient Hebrews, which might have been

    originally created by an older Canaanite civilization never existed nowhere else accept in the

    minds and imagination of those ancient people and thousands of years later on has people still

    worshiping this one particular god. Its quite astonishing one you really think about it.

    Gathering up the reasons why when most all of the others from the bronze age of the middle east

    disappeared is an interesting study.

    Was the reason the occurring violence against humanity and the relevant assuming power that made this

    god maintain it worshiping stronghold over a vast amount of people over many centuries ?

    There are some men who run and operate a religious publishing house say that they have some of this great

    spiritual power channeled directly right toward them and no one else, can you just imagine.

  • glenster

    The basic monotheistic God concept, and the basic concept of atheism, doesn't
    come with character determinants.

    The GB does and they're bad.

  • Finkelstein

    Considering all the genocidal murder of humanity even toward innocent children, maybe YHWH wasn't the best god to emulate social behavioral

    morals from.

    Surprising enough today there are over 7 million JWS who are waiting in earnest anticipation for him to murder everyone who didn't worship him

    and for themselves to be saved from their own personal destruction and to continue to live on in a earthly paradise condition.

    If anything I guess its a good sale for a publishing house.

  • unstopableravens

    finkelstein do you have a better way? sense my god is so evil, explain what yours has done? or what can man do to save himself? heres the solution i trust!

  • prologos

    unstoppable: the only obstacle in your illustration is the stake you left in the middle, take it off and "come over the bridge" like the song said.

    the ravens were unstoppable, by few points.

  • unstopableravens

    lol barly pulled it off, no stake for me thou john 20:25 nails plural

  • Finkelstein

    finkelstein do you have a better way?

    We aren't talking about the Jesus God here .

    The god Jehovah is the topic.

    Just to clarify.

  • unstopableravens

    well sense god is truine in nature i can see how you can talk about one without the other, sense the name jehovah is given to jesus john 17:11, and jesus is the first and the last alpha and omega, but if you want to focus on jehovah of the old test, cool. just keep in mind the word john 1:1 is before creation.

  • Finkelstein

    just keep in mind the word john 1:1 is before creation.

    Your implying that god is one but also three. ???

    Strange is not that god who would murder innocent children at one time, then turn around 180 to say mankind must love one another,

    its kind of like someone was just making up stories has they went along for both identities, as they justifiably willed and imagined.

  • Phizzy

    The God of the Israelites was an evolving one from the early Canaanite El to YHWH , and we have to remember we can only learn about what was believed by what is written, statin' the bleedin'obvious I know, but the stories we read in Genesis onward are written by the priestly class, the literate.

    Most of the O.T was redacted or written by those priests after the exile in Babylon, when they began to insist on monotheism as a way to glue their culture together, their own exclusive God, them as His People etc would stop the Jews from fragmenting and marrying in to the nations round about, Ezra was vey hot on this.

    To have a set of rules to hold them together, (Law of Moses), was paramount too they thought, and they needed a fearsome, vengeful, jealous god to enforce the rules.

    It all worked to a degree, but the common agricultural worker, mostly illiterate, was inclined to often wish to worship gods that would help him in his struggle,

    they perhaps did not see Yahweh as a god of crops and rain, despite the Elijah story. Yahweh even let that drought run far too long in their minds.

    By the time of Jesus the rule bound Jews were not really in total control, and Jesus hit the zeitgeist with his simple Golden Rule view and his god of love.

    The Christianity of Paul continued to reject the old thunderous Yahweh concept and make salvation possible without the Law/Rule Book. Really , from then on the old YHWH was a gonner, but he seems to have revived a bit under Islam, a very Rule/Law bound religion.

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