"This generation" started in 1948.

by refiners fire 34 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Among all those "born again" Christian fundies, the general concensus is that the End Time Generation commenced in 1948.
    Here is their reasoning espoused by two of their prophetic writers, Norman Robertson and Hal Lindsey.
    Christ gave his great "last days" discourse in Matthew 24, stating that "this generation would by no means pass away" before all was fullfilled.
    Matthew 24v 32,33 states:
    ..."Now learn from the fig tree as an illustration of this point. Just as soon as you see its young branches grow tender and it puts forth leaves , you know that summer is near.Likewise when you see all these things, know that he is near at the doors. truly I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away"... etc.
    The fundies link the generations commencing, to the 'sign' of the figtree.
    What is the 'Figtree'?

    Heres what Hal Lindsey says in his book; "The Late Great Planet Earth"
    (1971) page 43...
    ...."The most important sign in Matthew has to be the restoration of the Jews to the land in the rebirth of Israel. Even the figure of speech 'figtree'has been a historic symbol of national Israel.When the Jewish people...became a nation again on 14 May, 1948 the fig tree put forth its first leaves".
    And the "generation" of the endtimes commenced!

    Regarding the length of a 'generation' Hal says on p43:
    ..."truly I say to you this generation will not pass away...What generation?...the generation that would see the signs, chief among them the rebirth of Israel".
    Hal then says:
    ..."A generation in the Bible is something like 40 years"...
    He is refering to the 40 years it took for the generation to expire in the Wilderness.

    notice Hal says "SOMETHING like 40 years" A hint for you of things to come.
    Youve got to admit, the return of Israel to the land in 1948, was a more significant "sign" than World War 1.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Norman Robertson holds the same interpretation regarding the "fig tree generation".
    He published his book "End Time Prophecy" in 1989.
    At the very threshold of the end of the generation.
    He believes that the battle of Armaggedon is imminent and will be launched when Russia invades Israel with full military force.
    His authority for this expectation is The book of Ezekial, chapter 38.
    Notice his interpretation on page 177 of his book. Insertions in brackets are HIS.

    ...."Ezekial 38 1-3 Now the word of the Lord came to me saying, Son of man, set your face against Gog [Russian premier Gorbachev]
    of the land of Magog [USSR] the Prince of Rosh {Mikhail Gorbachev]
    Meshech[modern day Moscow] and Tubal [modern day city of Tobolsk

    .... etc
    Gog leads many hordes if you care to read Ezekial 38.
    Norman identifies these as...
    (page 178)
    ..."East Germany, Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia"..
    on page 180 Norman says:
    ..."It is no coincidence that Germany was divided at the close of WWII. This was necessary that there might be a satellite of Russia in that part of the world to fullfill scripture...

  • refiners fire
  • Satanus

    These guys are a laugh. Russia and israel have always been friends, though they at times pretended not to be. The bolshevik revolution was generated by jews and jewish thought. Jews remained in the upper echelons even under stalin. Alarge segment of israeli jews originated from russia. Thus there was a lot of marxism in israel. Some kibbutzs were entirely marxist. Israel was doing big time trade of goods w russia. That fundy christian prophets of god don't know this and its results is a laugh on them.


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Wow Satan.

    The bolshevik revolution was generated by jews and jewish thought.

    Dangerous territory there buddy.
    Hey, later I'll post how these guys prevented themselves from being "false prophets".

  • Stephanus

    Another bloke who does the end-times prophecy schtick is Barry Smith from NZ - I happen to have a webpage about him:

    He used to predict 1988 also, but now claims that Israel is not "God's clock", Jerusalem is, so 1967 being when the Israelis took Jerusalem is now the date from which the generation starts; 2007 is his new date:

  • plmkrzy

    Anyone see the news last night of the bombing during the sabath dinner? A few hundred were killed
    And the massive earthquake in afganistan? over a thousand died. Yesterday morning.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Thats what these guys say.
    The generation now starts in 1967 with the seizure of Jerusalem by the Israelis .
    Lindsey, from his 1994 book (published after the 1988 non event)
    "Planet Earth 2000" says:
    ..."some people point out that 40 years have already passed since the rebirth of Israel and Jesus has not returned"...
    just in case noone noticed that nothing happened in 1988. Then:..
    ..."My recent study of Daniel 9 v24-27 has convinced me that the capture of Jerusalem in 1967 may be a more prophetically significant event than the rebirth of the nation. In June of that year the Jews recaptured Jerusalem and reestablished a lasting sovereignty over it for the first time since the Babylonian destruction in the 6th century bc"...

  • Stephanus

    Hey RF, I used that line on some JW ladies at the door once. They said "Well, if you want to be that literal about it..." I said, "Well, you guys get really literal about the number 144,000 and the 1000 year reign..."

    I had a feeling Barry couldn't have come up with that one on his own... I came to that conclusion (2007) on my own without any help, when I still had pre-millennial leanings.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    I believe Lindsey is the big gun of their "prophets".Hes been around a long time and has mastered the double talk.
    Barry will be following Lindseys lead, I imagine.


    the massive earthquake in afganistan
    The Lord God registering his disapproval upon the afghanis for aiding Bin Laden ??

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