Who really is Babylon the Great?

by The Searcher 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    My apologies if this topic has been suggested before.

    Two Scriptures which have always niggled me for one reason or another -

    (Revelation 17:5-6) And upon her forehead was written a name, a mystery: "Babylon the Great, the mother of the harlots and of the disgusting things of the earth." And I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the holy ones and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus.

    (Revelation 18:4) And I heard another voice out of heaven say: "Get out of her, my people, if YOU do not want to share with her in her sins, and if YOU do not want to receive part of her plagues.

    Who really is Babylon the Great?

    Firstly, if she is the "mother (singular) of the harlots", that indicates that she is an entity on her own - because there are other harlots of lesser significance below her. Also, 'she' is accused of being predominantly responsible for the slaughter of 'holy ones' and "the witnesses of Jesus" - Christians! (Acts 1:8)

    Secondly, God is warning, "Get out of her mypeople". Anyone who wants to be one of God's people has to be a Christian - "no man comes to the Father except through me."

    Tie the two together - Does the world empire of Christendom (JWs included!!!) not fit the bill perfectly?

  • sabastious
    Who really is Babylon the Great?

    Hello the Searcher, that's a very relevant question and Revelation 17:18 holds the answer:

    The woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth.

    What is this great city being referred to? Why does it "rule" over the kings of the earth? The "city" is all the civilizations of the earth put together and it rules over the kings because it works behind the scenes. The whole world has been controlled by secret socities during, after and before Jesus' day. This is what I call the World Empire of False Prophets who use lies to control everything. I know, it sounds like science fiction, but where do you think sci-fi writers base their ideas from? OUR reality which is pretty whacky when you really think about it.


  • Finkelstein

    Realistically and probably ancient Babylon but it could also could be metaphorically speaking about the Roman Kingdom as well, early Christians

    used secrete wording at times when describing people or rulers for they could be capture and even killed for desertion.

  • Finkelstein

    Of course the WTS. says that its the UN but that didn't stop them from taking a ride a top the Great Beast themselves.

  • jgnat

    I keep saying it is Las Vegas, sin city, but as soon as I bring it up, I kill the room.

  • Tater-T

    have any of you seen the Showtime series The Borgias...

    they are always refering to Rome as The Harlot..


  • raymond frantz
  • transhuman68

    If you haven't worked it out by now- almost 2,000 years after it was written- you 'aint ever going to work it out.

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    Anyone you want her to be, baby.

  • AGuest

    Changed my mind (but still no apologies necessary, dear Searcher (peace to you!)), as there ARE new folks to update all the time. So, I offer the following (and yes, Christendom would be an accurate culprit, but a particular PART of Christendom):

    Babylon the Great is not the "world empire of false religion" as taught by the WTBTS." She is the combined entities of Israel (including but not limited to Judaism) and "christianity" (the world of christendom)... including Judeo-Christianity... which is actually pretty easy to see when you look at her description:

    1. She is an adulteress. In order for her to be an adulteress, she had to be a WIFE. And she was, indeed, the wife of a KING, as she states, "I sit a QUEEN." She is a woman, then, who perhaps once sat as a queen but due to her adultery no longer does but only thinks she does - because she is unwilling to acknowledge her adultery and thus the loss of her "place." In this, she is those who once professed a union to the Highest King, the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAHVEH, and so His “wife”... and thus Israel... and later who professed the same union with His Son and appointed king, the HOLY One of Israel, JAHESHUA, the Chosen One of JAH (MishaJah). Both of these, rather than remaining true to their husbandly-owners, and so follow THEIR law, which a wife is BOUND to do ALL the days HE is alive... turned to following the laws of other “men.” (1 Corinthians 7:39)

    Both Israel (and particularly Judaism) and christianity committed "adultery", when... thinking their husband dead... they took up with other "men," so as to commit fornication and thus “join” themselves to these... which men are “the kings of the earth,” her paramours.

    Israel did it a few times. First, when, having run out of patience when Moses delayed coming back down the mountain, they built a golden calf and began calling IT their "husband" when they began to bow down to and worship IT... rather than remaining "faithful" to their TRUE husbandly-owner, the MOST Holy One of Israel JAHVEH. They did this in their haste to be UNDER LAW. They did so again when they rejected JAH as their king and asked for a king "like the nations" to rule over them (and so, became subject to HIS, the king's, laws, making HIM their "husbandly-owner"). Again, in their haste to be UNDER LAW. They did it AGAIN, when they rejected JAH for the Ba'al and other false idols of the nations and began worshipping them, so as to adhere to THEIR laws (those idols, which required things like passing one's children through the first, which is something that never even came up into JAH's heart). In their haste to be UNDER LAW. And they did it again, when they (predominantly Judaiam) rejected the king HE sent to them, to become "married" to them, His Son, the HOLY One of Israel, JAHESHUA, the Chosen One of JAH (MiscaJah)... because of loving the law of another, Moses. They rejected a releasing from THAT law... for a “better” law... pursuant to a better “husband.”

    [NOTE: To help those who might not understand why a woman would want to BE bound to a husband and his law, I need to explain what that means. We, today, consider “husband” as being the male part of a marriage union. This is true. But the word “husband” comes from the term “husbandry”... which is NOT related to marriage... but to cultivating/gardening... and caring for livestock. For example, animal husbandry. A “husband” is one that CARES for, in the sense of taking care OF, the thing(s) in his charge: a garden, field, vineyard, herd, flock, etc. And so the LAW of a “husband,” is that which he engages in order to CARE for the things under his care. Hence, if a sheep does not obey the LAW of its husband (i.e., shepherd, caretaker) it COULD become vulnerable to all manner of dangers, including but not limited to wolves, lions, deep pits/ravines, etc. So, when you see the statement of women being “bound” to the law of their husbands, keep in mind that, during these times, husbands were responsible for and had to CARE for their wives. Given things like marauding bands, hunger, etc., it was sometime imperative for a man to take the lead... and a wife to submit to his law: for them BOTH... and perhaps others in the household... to stay alive.]

    2. She is the "mother of the harlots."

    Because her children are harlots, they are, by definition, also women, the “women” described in Revelation 14 as those with whom the 144,000 (sons of Israel) did NOT “defile” themselves with. THEY are children she births... not the kings of the earth. Indeed, the kings are those who FATHER her “children,” those “women.” We know that these harlots and women are the same because one can “defile” themselves by having relations with these “women.” One does not defile oneself by having relations with one’s wife, who is considered a “clean” woman (1 Corinthians 6:15, 16). What are these “women”? They are the religious sects that are “born” of the fornication/adultery of those who WERE (or claimed to be) joined to God/Christ... with the “kings of the earth,” the leaders/fomenters of the HUMAN authorities you mentioned.

    3. In HER is the blood of the prophets.

    Only two entities are responsible for the blood of God’s prophets: Israel (and, after a time, primarily Judaism) and “Christianity”. In THESE two are found “all the righteous blood spilled on the earth.” From the blood of righteous Abel, to the blood of Zechariah, to the blood of Christ, to the blood of the holy ones and faithful ones in union WITH Christ. These have been responsible for killing ALL those sent to them by the Word of God, the HOLY One of Israel. While there are other religions that may have put a servant of the True God to death, they were never His wife or Christ’s Bride. So while they have some responsibility for blood of righteous ones, it is not as the entity Babylon the Great.

    Babylon the Great, then, is the composite of those adulterous people who either once belonged to God and/or Christ... or claimed to... and yet, in committing fornication with human authorities... killed the prophets sent to her to warn her of her adultery. She includes the GB of the WTBTS, the leaders of the Lutheran and Catholic faiths who killed Jews during WWII, the leaders of the Protestant movement that called for the death of and/or killed in witch hunts and under other false pretenses those who opposed them as false christs and false prophets, those of the Church who killed, by burning at the stake and other heinous means, those who opposed them for the same reasons, those of the Jewish system who called for and/or put the death Christ, and his followers during the 1 st century and up to the establishment of the Church, and those of Israel and Judah who called for/put to death the Prophets sent to her.

    I hope this helps.

    Again, peace to you!

    A doulos of Christ,


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