A sick story of JW fiction!!!!1

by JEMIMAH 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • NameWithheld

    Yep - it's pretty much the same for me. Anything and everything was 'the beginning of the end' in my house. Every newscast, world happening, etc was all 'a sign'. A real bunker-house mentallity.

  • Francois

    Do you all realize that this story was composed by someone who WANTS it to happen just this way?

    This is an example of a dysfunctional mind at mischief. And all the JWs are lusting for just this outcome.


  • neyank

    Does this person really think that he/she can get someone to go back to
    the meetings with this type of story?

    Seems like the main theme of the story is preaching.

    "For those who had not been witnessing regularly it was exceedingly dificult."

    I noticed he/she didn't write down just what they were preaching.

    Were the preaching old light truths?
    Were they preaching present light truths?
    Were they preaching future light truths?

    Details...details...we need details.

    Now if they were preaching old light truths, then they are apostates
    condemned to total anihilation.

    If they were preaching present light truths, how can they be so sure that those truths will not become old truths and thus they would be teaching falsehoods.
    Again total anihilation.

    Now if they were preaching future light truths then they are
    doing good.
    However, when the future becomes the present and those future
    truths have to be updated with even more future light truths
    then they would have indeed been teaching more falsehoods.

    Therefore total anihilation.

    Looks like, until they can figure out what's really true,
    they better be carefull what they preach.

    Because....What can happen if they are preaching falsehoods ?????????
    You guessed it.



  • Farkel


    : story waaaaaay toooo long.
    : condense to one paragraph.

    I can do better than that: "My imaginery friend is going to fuck you all up!"


  • ozziepost

    I would think most dubs recognise the awfulness of what they are preaching but manage to 'shelve it' by putting it to the back of their minds. In some respects, I don't think the average dub actually stops to think about it. Even the relating of the story of Noah and the Flood is always glossed over IMO. What I mean by that, is that the actual experience of being an eye-witness is lost.

    I compare that with the graphic detail that is related at the Kingdom Hall (like in the Memorial talk tonite perhaps) of the suffering of Christ at the crucifixion.


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

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