Change of tone in French WT

by aposta-Z 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • aposta-Z

    If some of you read the French version of the Watch Tawor (La tour de garde), I noticed recently, they have stopped using the formal "vous", for the more common "tu".

    For non French speakers, both words mean "you".
    But the word "vous" (second person plurial) is used out of respect when adressing strangers, and it is the pronoun usually used when adressing the public in a magazine, news paper, public adresses, etc.

    I new the mighty WTB&TS was dumbing it down, but now they talk to them like they were children.


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    ^^^^Could this correspond to their "simplified" writing style in English? - seems like it to me.

    I used to keep up with the French mags, but now avoid even that.

  • aposta-Z

    D'ho! I was downloading the simplified edition all this time.

    But still... It's a step down.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I was told not to use "tu," unless the person was familiar and intimate. Isn't it safer to use vous?

    Perhaps French has changed. What do you think? A parent speaking to a child would be "tu."

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    Lol, French hasn't changed. They have done the same in the English once although it's less pronounced the tone has definitely become more YPA-like. Since I am quite familiar with the French constructs of "you", it is very easy to pick up on it in English - the sentences have become shorter and quotes are more frequently interrupted, they use less "we" (which was the construct of sentences about 5-10 years ago and is a proper way of educating adults) and more "you" (as if they are telling you what to do because you're an idiot).

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I am curious about French usage. When it is appropiate for a dating couple to change from "vous" to "tu?" Still hoping to take an immersion course.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    Tu is generally used in close quarters between friends, colleagues, family or speaking towards children. Vous is always the proper way of addressing strangers, adults you don't know very well, older people, parents and authority, basically anytime you wish to show respect.

    If you're getting to know someone I would just reciprocate whenever they change the tone unless that person is in authority over you or you wish to be extremely respectful.

  • TheOldHippie

    That is just reflecting what is common in the various countries. In the Northern parts of Europe, the 3rd person was used till the 60s, but after that the 2nd person is used. In Spain, Germany and other language editions, the 3rd person is used. Just a reflection os what is commonly used.

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