Got My Invite Today

by Undecided 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    Hi All,

    Well I finally go my invitation to the ritual today. I didn't know either of them but they had a nice smile and were dressed in the proper attire. The invitation was a little less quality than usual, and said, "printed in the USA". I got my Watchtower today also and it had the theme,"Soon an end to disabilities!" Was it talking about the mental ones of the GB??? There was a picture of Fred Franz at Yankee Stadium convention with his hands up beside his mouth and in front on him was a picture of a bunch of literature with the caption,"Jehovah provides for those who love Him" Yes we get all the toilet paper we need.

    Ken P.

  • mouthy

    Of course your going Eh??

  • flower

    What a coincidence...I just got my invite too. My mom called to let me know. She said since she noticed I hadnt gotten my 2 yo sons hair cut this weekend then I must not have heard that the memorial was Thursday. LOL. Its all about looking good thats all. The family will go out and spend obscene amounts on suits and clothes this week. Its such a farce.

    Guess what mom? I aint goin ever with it.


  • WildTurkey

    I didn't get an invitation, I guess the mail man didn't bring it to me.

  • plmkrzy

    Nothing like waiting till the last min. eh?

    "I look to the sea, reflections in the waves spark my memory
    Some happy,some sad"

    This one most definitely Happy
  • MrMoe

    As far as getting all dressed up, it is because it is the only holiday JW's are allowed to celebrate.

    Morbidly sick, isn't it. Only holiday and revolves around death. Let's go by classy new clothes and look super sharp to celebrate.


    UADNA - FL
    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Florida Division

  • Disposable Hero
    Disposable Hero

    I was going to go, then I remembered that WWF Smackdown is on at the same time. Maybe next year.

    You lie so much you believe yourself
    Judge not lest ye be judged yourself

  • Kep

    Well, I'm glad someone gets invited !!
    I miss out yet again, that's 7 years in a row for me.
    Wonder why that is ??
    Although my mom was saying that an elder buddy of mine has been asking about me and wanting to call in and see me hmmm....
    Maybe I better find my old suits and see which one will fit me, nah, if he calls I'll see if he wants to go out on the town with me instead.

  • Sargon

    Don't feel bad Kep. I haven't been invited in 25 years, and I couldn't give a rats-ass.

    Imagination is more important than Knowledge. Albert Einstein

  • Undecided

    Hey Mouthy,

    I just might go, I wonder if I can take all the BS that I used to put out. A while back I found a bunch of old tapes that I had recorded of assembly parts and among them was a recording of my memorial talk back in the 60s. I didn't do too bad, not much enthusiasm, just the facts man, but I did sound sincere because at the time I was.

    I wonder how many of the ones I knew are still there? There were some good people back then that I knew, but I have moved on since then and many of them have died. My aunt is really in bad shape and I doubt she will live much longer, she is the last of the family of her generation, and they all looked for the end to come and see paradise restored. It's a shame to see so many dreams come to failure when they have spent their whole life working for the Borg. expecting so much more to happen. I remember her pulling up in my driveway and talking to me and saying so sincerely,"You need the organization". What I really need right now is MONEY.$$$$.

    Ken P.

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