This is a really good one....

by Inquiry 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Inquiry

    Hey all....

    I recently heard the funniest prank....

    A neighbour of mine came over, with a beer I might add.... nice fellow... and during conversation found out that I used to be a witness... he was asking me questions and then he got this funny smirk on his face... I thought it was something I said, so I asked him what I did.... he started laughing and said he was just remembering what he and a friend did about three years ago around christmas time....
    I had been out of the borg for over a year at that point...

    Apparently, these two pranksters... of course whilst drinking deeply of the barley and hops laden waters of life.... went to a Canadian Tire, bought $75 worth of Christmas lights (about $5 and in the wee hours of a Sunday morning... put them up around my old KH and lit them up for all to see when they came in for the 10 am meeting..... I asked around and apparently it's true!
    Laugh! I thought I'd die!!!!! I would've paid money to see that....

    Just thought I'd share that....
    See ya

  • chezza

    very funny indeed, the sad thing though is how many kids faces would have lighten up when they saw them only to probably be told off by their parents.

  • Celia

    Good one.
    Nice, clean fun, huh !

  • Pureheart

    That was funny!


  • hybridous

    Consider it done, this December!!

  • butalbee

    There's my christmas wish for this year!! And a nice decorated christmas tree, maybe a nativity scene.

    [smiling an evil grin]

    And that's just for christmas, there's lot's of decorating of the hall covertly possible for many other holidays....

  • ofcmad

    oh my god.. that is hilarious... I can just imagine that. Someone needs to stick a christmas tree and nativity scene out on the front lawn area. LOL


  • AGuest

    Hmmmm... gives new meaning to 'deck the Halls'. Methinks your friends misunderstood. Or... maybe not. LOL!



  • drawcad_1

    It makes me sad to see the little ones eyes brighten up when they see the Christmas lights, and they know that they will not get to see them. makes me wonnder how they will make up for a lost childhood.

  • mouthy

    My daughter tells me- when we were In the Borg she used to stand outsaide the houses with the lights,& pray to Jah that he would let her have some- then she would cry at night because she had asked for something she KNEW( because they told her)it was an evil wish...
    You should see her home at Christmas!!! Lit up like you would never believe- lights, Santas, Sleighs filled with parcels etc: she has sure made up for passed losses.

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