Prison solution.

by jam 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NewChapter

    Well let's see. We have this here drug war that focuses on putting young minority males into prison---then they've got a felony record---and they are supposed to work where? And what services to they qualify for? And who is taking care of their children?

    We don't see many drug busts in the suburbs, even though stats show that use is as high or higher than the inner city.

    Not a lot of options when we disenfranchise young people before they even have a chance to participate, and Obama is a huge hypocrite for not acknowledging that he was simply lucky enough not to get caught. Scuze me---Harvard? Senator? President? Yeah right. His entire life could have been destroyed like these young people that we warehouse into prisons. So who is sitting in there? Someone with great potential that did what young people do sometimes? What are we losing as a society with this witch hunt? I would say a lot.

    But who am I? Just some stupid liberal that just doesn't think smoking a joint should destroy a life.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I think we should be educating prisoners....while they're in there. Teach them so they come out with qualifications and can improve their lives.

    We spend so much money babysitting them....use it to teach them skills instead. Turn prisons into captive universities...where you are rewarded for learning and can build self esteem.

    Of course I'm not talking about hard core prisoners...they can lock them up and throw away the key. But most aren't hard core murderers etc.

  • jam

    New Chapter: I agree 100%, shouldn,t destroy a life

    for smoking a joint.

    Still thinking: I thought about that "educating prisoners

    while they're in there". The problem, you don,t wont young

    men going to jail for the purpose of getting an education,

    the university of Alcatraz, and beleive me some will. Since

    gang members are the largest population stop glamorizing

    the life style . They are young men fill with anger, put their

    butts to work. We need a lot of work done on the interstructure

    in this country. How would that work out, playing checkers, fighting

    etc and we are paying for it vs. working on highways, repairing dams

    and learning a skills. After serving their time they can continue working.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Seriously...if someone went to prison just to get an education...LOL...good luck to them.

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