Sheep and Goats

by KistByQpid 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Will Power
    Will Power
    Christ's brothers are those who are also called ambassadors, who are substituting for Christ.

    So, since the watchtower declared and printed that the witnesses, they alone, these "footstep" followers are the ambassadors, these Jehovah's Witnesses are substituting for Christ, then it must be so?

    Wouldn't Christ know if HE was the one "coming" at rev 22:12? or if it was Jehovah! Why don't the witnesses know? Why doesn't brooklyn know? Why don't YOU KNOW?

    Were you once substituting for Christ? What are you doing now?

    Would Jesus shun a sinner? A lost sheep?
    Would Jesus say one thing and do another? Would he run away from a difficult question? Would he incite end of time hysteria to sell his message? Would He choose ambassadors who would lie to protect themselves? and do the opposite of what HE STOOD FOR?

    Just looking for comment on Rev 22:12 please.

  • COMF

    Goats are cuter than sheeps!

    And, apparently, more suitable for bedding in Jehovah's eyes.

    "...Rejoice with the wife of your youth, a lovable hind and a charming mountain goat. Let her breasts intoxicate you at all times. With her love may you be in an ecstasy constantly."
    - Jehovah God
    (as quoted at Proverbs 5:18,19, NWT)

  • butalbee


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