Anyone here into vinyl?

by sleepy 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    Anyone here into vinyl?
    No this is nothing pervy.
    I'm in a musical mood today and one of my passions is buying records.
    (Not collecting records as I actually buy them to listen to)
    I still buy records on vinyl rather than Cd when I can, the packaging is much better and if you have a good record player so is the sound.
    It getting hard to find much nowadays in a lot of record stores.
    Theres an excellent record shop near me though that stocks a ton of the stuff.Now wheres all my wages gone?

  • Dutchie

    I don't know what they are called in the UK, but if you go to stores that sell used clothing and furnishings,like the Salvation Army or the Goodwill, sometimes they have old, fabulous vinyl recordings that sell for little money.

  • Elsewhere


    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • TheRecordCollector

    It's my passion too!
    I've got 2 room's of wonderful glorious vinyl.
    Ceiling to floor & wall to wall.

    All alphabetized and catagorized.
    Lp's, 45's, 78's....

    Rock & Roll, Country & Western, Jazz, New Age, Classical, Soundtracks, Comedy, Historical documentaries, Sports related,
    V-Disc, 10", 12", MFSL, Nautilus, D2D, tube.....'s nice to find someone with this interest.

    Email me....
    [email protected]

  • sleepy


    Hi , I think you name gives you away.
    Wow two rooms.I've only got about 300 records and about 450 CD's (I went through a CD buying phase)but I'm trying to stock up a lot more as it gets harder to find.
    Are you just into records or hifi as well?
    Is d2d direct to disc?
    Are these any good?

  • TheRecordCollector

    Yes, I'm also into HiFi.
    I'm an Audiophile.
    Good quality records, properly cared for, properly mastered, and played on a decent system put CD's to such shame.

    A reporter came out and did a story about me and my record collection.
    the artical says that I played him a favorite jazz album and,
    "rich mellow sounds came through the speakers without a snap or pop".

    In his off-hours, he too is a musician.

    Got McIntosh tube & Marantz tube.
    Mac: C22 pre, Mc-240 pwr,
    Marantz: 7 pre, 8b pwr.
    Fisher 800-C with #7591 outputs.

    Got systems through out the house.

    Yes, D2D is direct to disc, and they are good.

  • sleepy

    You've got some serious stuff there.
    What record player do you use?
    I've got a slightly modified LP12 with Wilson Benesh arm .
    I'm getting a Dynavector cartridge tomorrow as my Goldring is gong rought.
    I'm looking for new speakers, but havent found anything good yet to replace my Epos es14's.
    My rooms not too big so it limits choice a bit.

  • TheRecordCollector

    Fairchild 412 W/a Rek-O-Kut arm, Mitsubishi LT-30, B&O 2400.
    I also use a B&O mc cartridge.

    Why are you wanting to replace your es 14's?
    I assume you have the stands for them?

  • sleepy

    Hi I tried to send an E-mail but my comuter is playing up , so I don't know if it worked.
    My wife mashed the tweeter in one of my speakers, still works but not as good.

  • sleepy

    Now heres a nice little system.

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