Watchtower on Taking In Meat

by Marvin Shilmer 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    Watchtower on Taking In Meat

    Today I added a new article to my blog addressing an underpinning of Watchtower’s blood doctrine, and how in 1980 this underpinning was undermined by none other than Watchtower itself.

    As it turns out Watchtower admits that prior to the flood there was no prohibition against taking in meat, which as it turns out means there was no pre-flood prohibition against taking in blood.

    My article is titled Watchtower on Taking In Meat and is available at:

    This article includes references to scholars who’ve concluded the text of Genesis 1:28 represents permission for humans to use animals as food. Experience tells me that quite a few readers will find these resources a bit surprising.

    Marvin Shilmer


    It did say human flesh. They could argue that the pre-flood prohibition against eating animal flesh stands.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    It did say human flesh.

    Yes. That’s Watchtower’s usage.

    Presumably saying “there is no Biblical command pointedly forbidding the taking in of other human tissue” would also mean ‘there is no Biblical command pointedly forbidding the taking in of other animal tissue’ given that contemporary humans take in animal tissue on a daily basis, including Jehovah's Witnesses.

    “No biblical command” means not ever, including before the Noachian flood.

    So think of that in the antediluvian context. We have this:

    Before the flood we have no biblical command pointedly forbidding the taking in of any animal tissue, including blood.

    This lack of prohibition is something Watchtower leverages for allowing human tissue transplantation. The same lack of prohibition prior to the flood of blood undermines Watchtower's notion that the biblical God holds blood as a sacred substance. As a substance blood is not sacred. Other than abstaining from eating blood [of slaughtered animals] Noah could use blood for whatever he needed or wanted.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia


  • ÁrbolesdeArabia


  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    As is true of many WT doctrines, the no-blood teaching is another man made invention. And as is true of many useless and senseless human inventions, the no-blood teaching needs to be taken to the salvage yard and scrapped!

    Thank you Marvin.

  • Terry

    Eating an animal while it is still alive was forbidden.

    To insure that the animal was indeed dead the blood was poured out.

    The fetish got transferred to the blood because the other pagan nations drank blood to absorb the life force qualities of their slain victims.

    All the qualities and characteristics of a living thing was said to "belong" to Jehovah.

    The Watchtower Society has been shooting itself in the foot repeatedly by obsessing compulsively over Levitical purity issues like the latter day Pharisee they are.

    Marvin correctly points out this inconsistency as a logical embarassment.

  • problemaddict

    Using their reasoning, I suppose it would be ok to eat human lesh to sustain yourself as long as you didn't have to murder anyone, but you could not take blood from a willing donor.

    What a mess.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    What a mess.

    That’s an understatement.

    Tens of thousands of Jehovah’s Witnesses have suffered premature death over this backward theology of Watchtower.

    The whole time Watchtower’s been all but retracting the bloody thing.

    Oh, and to underpin its disgusting blood taboo Watchtower’s top leadership has stooped to gross dishonesty.

    I have draft articles right now documenting heretofore unrealized instances of dishonest portrayals in Watchtower publications. That’s on top of the already documented dishonesty.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • problemaddict

    I look forward to the posting. Blood is what woke me up.

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