Watch Tower Publishing Literature To Incite Hatred Towards All Religions, All Earthly Government, And People Not Jehovah Witnesses

by frankiespeakin 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    Now I know that there are some here that can supply plenty of documented proof as to the hatred inciting teachings of the past presidents and the now rulling Governing Body in the literature they export world wide.

    Any former member who has changed his mind and no longer excepts these hate inspireing teachings of the Governing Body is labeled "mentally diseased" meaning these people are to be avoided because they have a catchy mental malfunction that is deadly.

    All governments are controlled by an invisible master mind who has only evil intentions and is leading the vast majority of the human race to thier destruction. And thier followers are encouraged to hate what Jehovah hates and Jehovah hates all the governments of the earth includeing Isreal and even the United Nations of which they are members as an NGO.

    In Russia thier literature is rightly ban because it is reccognized as hatred inspireing. (No shit sherlock!)

    I think the Watch Tower's own publications have sealed thier fate and in time they will reap the whirl wind from thier own twisted writings used to insight hatred for so long. The times are changing, child molestation is becomeing more of a crime than before, and so will the hate inspireing propagandic literature of Watch Tower as we move farther into the age of enlightenment, and grow in sensitivity towards fairness, and mistreatment of our fellow man.

    I'm thinking in time many countries will follow Russia's ban on hate inspireing literature.

    With the information age increasing and spreading to every country, the Watch Towers days are numbered, people don't want any literature at the doors these days,, they will just google it for free if interested, no more need for the WT printing presses with the abundace of ereaders, pcs, and what not.

    Enlightenment = The dumbed down delusional WT's Death. These are a bunch of delusional old guys who can keep up and are set in thier delusional ways and fanasies,, directing an organization, based on lies and deceit and a huge dose of delusion and wishful thinking.

  • BluesBrother

    " the United Nations of which they are members as an NGO.

    A correct statement would be that they were associated with as an NGO...

    Re your point... Many have noticed a toning down of the vilification of the World and religions, even of homosexuality, lately. It is my guess that Legal Department vets the literature these days and they find a choice of words that conveys a meaning to those in the know but does not actually break any laws.

  • ldrnomo

    I think the Watch Tower's own publications have sealed thier fate and in time they will reap the whirl wind from thier own twisted writings used to insight hatred for so long. The times are changing, child molestation is becomeing more of a crime than before, and so will the hate inspireing propagandic literature of Watch Tower as we move farther into the age of enlightenment, and grow in sensitivity towards fairness, and mistreatment of our fellow man.

    I agree and I hope the Jehovah's Witness organization go's down soon.

  • PaintedToeNail

    Any governments erroding of freedom of speech is scary, including Russia. People should have the right to believe what they want to, read what they want too as long as they are not hurting anyone. i.e., child porn, snuff films, inciting people to commit crimes. I never expected everyone I met to like me. Some have probably outright hated me. That is their priviledge. I reserve the right to dislike people too. Most of us here freely express our disdain for the Borg. Our freedom of speech here could be viewed as hateful, yet we all are happy to have a place to vent. Wouldn't it be horrible if we were censured for our opinions? It would be nice if the Borg reviewed their own literature and realised it is hateful, but they won't do that. To have a government review things and decide what can and can't be printed is dangerous.

  • frankiespeakin


    They are only banning the WT literature, the JW are allowed to congregate and worship.

    There is no violation of freedom to worship unless worship means placing literature which is ban because it insights hatred for religions, governments, and former non believing members.

    Freedom to worship is a private matter and has nothing to do with propagandic literature placements. They can meet together but they just have the literature ban because it really does insight hatred.

  • Chaserious

    I totally agree with PTN. Frankie, you talked about enlightenment in your OP, and to me, enlightenment doesn't include banning religious literature based on the content. Banning thought based on content, which includes that thought expressed in print or the spoken word, is very scary to me. How do you know you aren't next if the government disapproves? You say it incites hatred for government. Who is to say my legitimate critisicm of the President or Prime Minister isn't the next to be labelled as "inciting hatred for government." Many religions believe theirs is the only true one. Why wouldn't they be the next to be "inciting hatred". The best way to combat ignorant and harmful ideas is with knowledge, thought and better ideas. Eventually, bad ideas lose in the marketplace of thought.

    "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."


  • frankiespeakin

    The way I see it: freedom of the indiviual trumps the freedom of a tax evadeing corporation that calls itself a religion for tax purposes to lower operation cost and increase profitiblity.

    If a religion is insighting hatred for others, it should be held to a high standard of truth,, if it uses lies and deception it should be made liable, freedom of religion should never be used as an excuse to say what ever you want and not be held liable for any slanderous lies and the damages these cause.

  • Pterist

    Well said FS

  • problemaddict

    Has the literature always been banned there, or is this new?

    Honestly, I am not sure I understand the premise of the post. I don't think the WYBTS is going anywhere anytime soon guys. I realize that people here would like that, but I just don't see it happening.

  • frankiespeakin

    The Watch Tower publishing corporation has for a long time stood by the rightness of God destroying unafilliated religions and all people belonging to these unafilated religions. Showing these religions and people belonging to these religions worthy of a horrible death is insighting hatred especially because it is done so often to the point of indoctrinating the regular reader with hatred for these people who also have the right to choose but who chose differently for what ever reason.

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