Did Sab get banned?

by Christ Alone 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • shamus100

    Did a zookeepers sibling get banned?

  • NewChapter

    Did a zookeepers sibling get banned?

    Nope. They are just busy netting monkeys.

  • shamus100


  • Cagefighter

    Never a dull moment around here tonight.

  • shamus100

    Just more monkey crap. ;)

  • talesin

    Sab, dealing with dissociative stuff can be difficult sometimes,, other people don't get it. That explains a lot. Glad you are okay. xo


  • sabastious
    Is that along the lines of what happened?

    It really was written from the perspective of God. If the sun really does destroy us all in my own world view it would be beacuse it was the will of God. Most likely vengeance of some kind. The piece was based on the dire warnings of books like Isaiah. Prophets are disgusted with their worlds (prophets don't rise in peachy worlds) and they stand outside of them and intend to report on what made them so bad. If the sun is an objective perspective on this world, would it want to kill us or save us? If you think about it the sun is the bringer of all life and was considered God for a long time by massive cultures. Now, people take it for granted because they can see pictures of it. What if the sun got mad and spit on us? Would it have reason to? Assuming it's alive, that is.


  • NewChapter

    It's not a conscious entity---it doesn't get angry----it won't spit. It also won't take proactive action to save us. The sun does what it does with no concern of how what it does effects us.

    I think you are having high anxiety and a sense of a loss of control because of some reading you are doing. It's an uncomfortable feeling when we look at the big picture and realize how fragile things can be, so a lot of us experience that. Perhaps in an effort to feel less helpless, you appealed to prophecy---to get a sense of control. That this happens because of our actions, therefore we can change our actions and avert tragedy.

    But, Sab, the chances that anything cataclysmic can happen in the near future is so improbable as to not be a consideration. And even if such was going to happen, what are we going to do about it? I don't know if writing helps you purge the anxiety or if it feeds the anxiety, but you are experiencing distorted anxiety at the moment. You are not judging things properly. I know that kind of anxiety, and it will pass. I want it to pass for you quickly.

  • Scott77

    I appreciate that. The post was not meant to be directed at any particular posters. It was apocalyptic poetry sparked on after reading about how much damage solar flares can do. I am OK, friends all around.

    Ways to go

  • tec

    I missed what happened, but am glad that you are okay, and glad you get to see all those who DO care about you speaking up for you.

    Peace Sab,


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