You won't believe what the Jehovah's Witnesses proclaimers book exposes!!!

by EndofMysteries 22 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    Awesome catch......

    So much for the "So Called Truth"......a very confused group GB/FDS.......from the begining.....

  • EndofMysteries

    A very clear summary is this. The watchtower says apostates twist things. So JW's will think if you quote what any old publication said, that you would be twisting it. This is why showing the quotes in the original material is very important, it leaves no room to doubt. (SCANNED PDFS)

    Now most material that is used to help awaken somebody are based on the doctrine changes, generation changes, the ordeal of Rutherford overtaking the board, etc. What I have found is that many of these events are mentioned in the Jehovah's Witnesses Proclaimer's of God's Kingdom book. Some events are not mentioned at all, for example no mention of Rutherfords predicting 1925 as the end of the world.

    Now, how can you use this book to REALLY wake somebody up? Again many of the articles you would use and quote from, SOME of them are in this book, but they are changed. My example was showing how the book made it appear the teaching of the holy spirit has been continuous. ALL JW's believe that from Russell to today it's been understood and taught that holy spirit has been guiding the society. But from 1922 till Rutherfords death, it was taught that holy spirit was done away with starting in 1918.

    So how can JW's possibly not know that? In this book, the article they quoted from and in speaking about what that watchtower spoke about, they inserted things about holy spirit. The original article didn't mention it, infact the original article in other parts of it said how holy spirit ceased in 1918.

    JW's believe that EX JW's will lie and misquote old material. When a JW sees how the WT are the ones lying and misquoting old material, that's double damage.

    So instead of just merely showing the old articles and allowing that to awaken, if they also see how the reason we don't know these things is because they are flat out lying, you now showed them truth but also showed willful deception in print by the WT as well. Suddenly, the older articles and material you can show and quote may indeed show things they have never heard before since you are showing the WT is changing it's own history.

  • sd-7

    Fascinating. I'll have to look into this. Nice thread.

    I noticed a similar misleading scenario with the 'superior authorities' issue--not that I was the first one to notice it, I think I was reading Randy Watters' site ( and he mentioned it. The fascinating thing about the change to the current understanding in 1962 was that the WT articles in that series do not present the previous viewpoint at all. If you didn't know the belief about the 'higher powers' from 1929-1962, you would never have known it existed. While that may not be a direct lie, it's certainly a lie by omission. The Proclaimers book presents this as if it is the light getting brighter, when it's a case of human error eclipsing the light of clear, scriptural reality for more than three decades.

    But the important thing is that this false belief was eagerly shared with others, worldwide, via the pages of The Watchtower.


  • sd-7

    Okay. If we're going to discuss this, best to mention the details. If I'm following you correctly, page 218, bottom paragraph (or paragraph 2, using WT designation so far as I remember) in the Proclaimers book says:

    "How, then, were current appointments to service in the congregation to be made? The Watchtower analysis of theocratic organization showed from the Scriptures that Jehovah appointed Jesus Christ "head of the...congregation"; that when Christ as Master returned, he would entrust his "faithful and discreet slave" with responsibility "over all his belongings"; that this faithful and discreet slave was made up of all those on earth who had been anointed with holy spirit to be joint heirs with Christ and who were unitedly serving under his direction; and that Christ would use that slave class as his agency in providing needed oversight for the congregations."

    June 1, 1938 Watchtower, page 169, paragraph 21:

    "It must be seen by all who love and serve Jehovah, and who therefore believe the revealed truths of his Word, that the Lord Jesus Christ as the Head of Jehovah's organization Zion has a visible part of his organization on the earth, which represents the Lord and acts under the direct supervision of the Lord Jesus Christ. Otherwise the work of the Lord in the earth would be without order. His visible kingdom interests or "goods" must be committed to some representative, and the question now is, Who is that visible representative, standing in the place similar to that occupied and followed by Timothy and Titus, and which representative is clothed with certain authority to act? The answer must be found in the Scriptures, and not in the mere opinion of men. Jesus declared, as it is written, that upon coming to the temple he would commit all his goods or kingdom interests on earth to that "faithful and wise servant", which faithful and wise servant is made up and composed of all the anointed ones on earth brought into the temple in unity in Christ, and acting in complete unity under the direction of the Lord Jesus Christ."

    So there's the phrase that was tweaked to fit with the updated understanding. Now I'm assuming that the phrasing in 1938 was based on a very different understanding about the anointed, but I've yet to research the matter to prove it conclusively, and I've got to pick up my family from the KH--a 'special talk' today. But I hope this helps clarify the subject being discussed in this thread (and maybe is useful somehow, though I think more research would be required to pin it down conclusively).


  • sd-7

    So the point here is that the Proclaimers book really does quote the article verbatim, but it changes that phrase because it would be obvious to the reader of a later time period that the phrase used there doesn't fit with the current understanding. I guess it's sort of like a '1984' bringing-the-past-up-to-date kind of scenario.

    Problem is, a line like this probably won't convince a JW that anything is even remotely wrong. The difference is such a thin one that they might argue it's merely semantics, as the anointed are indeed brought into the temple in unity with Christ, after all. The implication of it (no mention of holy spirit) would go over their heads. It'd be a case of 'does not compute'. There are more glaring examples in the Proclaimers book than this one, but it is an interesting point, nonetheless.


  • EndofMysteries

    Sd-7 - For Rutherford's entire reign, he taught that holy spirit was done away with when Jesus started to rule in 1918/1919. This was taught until he died. And probably about 20 years or so after, the teaching was never done away with, they just brought back holy spirit into the picture and stopped teaching that it was angels or those 'beyond the veil' who were bringing in the 'new light'.

    It seems like a minor insignificant detail until you put all the pieces of the puzzle together, and I hope to share within a couple of weeks what exactly happens after the puzzle is solved.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    @London: I am going to buy "Captives of a Concept" after I finish reading a couple of other books. The Watchtower has never claimed to be honest with their own history, have they?

  • Vanderhoven7


  • Hermano


  • moshe

    JWs are addicted to their promise of everlasting life on a paradise earth and being able to cheat death in the process. Most JWs are holding on to that false WT dogma so tightly that even obvious lying in the WT publications doesn't break that loyalty to the KH-- you mean I wasted my whole life and I'm going to die like everybody else?!

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