another possible reason the the new teaching GB = faithful slave

by inbetween 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • inbetween

    Sitting yesterday through another mindnumbing meeting, when the experiences of the yearbokk was being discussed, I noticed another mention of Governing Body, written in capitals.

    Then it dawned on me, maybe one reason for changing the understanding of the slave class could be, that the term governing body is not mentioned in the bible, which could become a weak point, especially defending against "apostate" ideas and accusations.

    Basically shifting the name to FDS would mean to have a scriptural support somehow.

    I also remember, in my days as a full believer, I never doubted the FDS doctrine, but I was kind of disturbed by not finding the term GB in the bible.

    On the other hand, back then, GB was not mentioned that often in the literatur as it is today.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Good thought. It's basically cult leaders wanting their cult leader status recognized. "We are mentioned in the Bible."

    It wouldn't surprise me if they slowly morph their name from "Governing Body" to "FDS."

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