49th Anniversary Of President Kennedy's Assassination

by Bangalore 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bangalore

    Today marks the 49th anniversary of President Kennedy's assassination. Please share your stories of that day if you were around then. It is said that almost everyone in America who was around then remembers exactly where he or she was when they heard the news.


  • LV101

    Yes -- a sad day, indeed. I think it's true about remembering where we were and when.

    Today marks 32 yrs. since the MGM Grand in Vegas caught on fire. A horror story. I remember watching the smoke --- all because of a fire in one of the kitchens.

  • JeffT

    I was in seventh grade. The school had an assembly of some sort, I think a pep rally in anticipation of a football game that afternoon. At the end of the assembly the principal came up to the mic and made an annoucement that President Kennedy and the Governor of Texas had been shot. That's all anybody knew. The turned on a radio over the school PA system, I was eating lunch when we heard he was dead. I don't think we got anything done the rest of the day.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    I know I shit my nappy that day...

    on another note, i just finished reading Stephen Kings novel 11.22.63, about a guy who goes back in time to stop it. Fascinating fiction.


  • Bangalore


  • Bangalore


  • Bangalore


  • poppers

    I was in 7th grade and was anticipating the Friday night basketball game that night against our most hated rival when the school's PA system came on, broadcasting a radio report. There were a lot of puzzled looks at first because that never happened before. Then it became clear what was happening. My homeroom had a TV in it (one of just a few in the building; it was the first year our school had them), and for the first time ever it got turned on and our room filled up with students to watch the coverage. Of course everyone was shocked about it and many people were crying, some uncontrollably. My most vivid memory of being in that room was when I glanced behind me and saw my homeroom teacher behind the mass of students with a big smile on her face. I had never liked her as a teacher, but after that day my respect for her as a human being went right into the toilet. Maybe she was trying to show courage and calm in front of us students, but if that's the case it went over like a lead balloon.

    The game was cancelled of course, and everyone's world shrunk around TV sets for the next few days, and that was all that was broadcast on the 3 networks. It was all so shocking and depressing, and then when Oswald was murdered by Ruby in front of millions of people (including me) a new level of shock and confusion followed. "What the hell was happening to our country?" was on everyone's mind. Nothing felt the same after that day.

  • designs

    I was in Wood Shop in Junior High School. Our teacher Mr. Woods got a call in his office and came back out and told us the news and asked us all to say a silent prayer. After that school was let out early and for the next week everyone sat and watched the TV coverage. Jack Kennedy was such a personable president you felt like it was a family member who had been killed. Everything changed after that. LBJ escalated the War in Vietnam and my buddies in school had no idea how bad it would affect their lives and my own.

  • stillin

    I was a third grader in a Catholic school. The nuns were crying and we got sent home early. A crazy guy backed me up to a wall and said he was going to Texas to kill all texans because a texan killed our president. A shopkeeper saw what was happening and gave him a few cigarrettes to move along.

    I was watching tv with my mom and saw the Ruby-Oswald killing live.

    Jackie was like a second mom to a generation of us.

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