Meeting with my family doctor...

by NVR2L8 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    If confidentiality IS an issue (and I get that it will be for some), perhaps the "signatures" could be something like:

    "Current JW No. 1"

    "Former JW No. 2"

    "Friend of a Current JW No 16"

    "Loved on of a JW who experienced this No. 5"

    "Never a JW but agree their practice violates HIPPA (etc.)"

    I believe that if the letter not only set forth WHY names can't be included (some are still current associating and/or risk retaliation if identified), that will not only suffice, but help HIPPA, et al., to understand the seriousness of it. I mean, they can't know this is going on, IN VIOLATION OF THE LAW, if no one tells them. We should tell them... and the article will help show that we're not making it up or just bringing some flighty allegation due to "sour grapes" (for being DF's, etc.).

    I hope you can see the seriousness of this matter and effect our combined voices can have, and potential difference they can make (at least to medical confidentiality when it comes to dealing with the WTBTS).

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


    Edited to add: And it's something both believers AND non-believers... atheists AND non-atheists can do. Because it can effect all of these. Peace!

  • AGuest

    Well, okay (peace to you all!). I mean, I don't care if they know whether I've declared "no religion," and well as checked the "donate organs" box on my driver's license application (I mean, I won't need them any more - just bury what's left, though). And my husband and children know what to do should I need blood if am unable to speak to that. I would be greatly PO'd, though, if they DID know something in my medical (or other) records... without me or someone I told or someone who SHOULD know telling them (and me telling them includes what I've shared here - the others shouldn't tell ANYONE without my express permission).

    PO'd... because it's an illegal invasion of my RIGHT to privacy. THINK about it:, dear one: pedophiles... whom the law (here) says MUST be reported have a right to privacy among them... but I (or any current/former publisher)... whose privacy the law (here) requires... don't? Seriously - NO ONE sees anything wrong with that??

    They aren't gonna open their books/records for ME, so... yeah, I want them to "do unto" me in this regard and give me the same respect they want... and stay out of my business. But I don't need to send that message for myself because, again, I don't care WHAT they know; I just care HOW they know it. So I am quite willing to join anyone else who wants to send that message, if anyone. Don't wanna bring them down (that's not my job)... but have NO problem telling them, no, you canNOT have the matter of privacy work only for you. The law might not protect folks from their fundamental doctrines, teachings, and culture... but it dang well will protects folks from having their privacy violated in this way.

    Sure, someone can become a victim of their teaching on this... lose everything as a result... and then try to sue. They might also win, however, the likelihood is slim. But... perhaps someone's privacy can be protected BEFORE they're outted and lose everything. In some instances, it could also be a life.

    Just something for you dear ones to think about.

    Again, peace to you all!

    A slave of Christ,


  • joyfulfader

    It was so freeing to update all my medical records to erase the JW status and emphasize that I WILL indeed accept blood. I felt like a huge weight had been lifted!!

  • Nice_Dream

    Good for you! It's a bit nerve racking with a JW on the office, I'm sure.

    If you've ever registered at the hospital, you might want to update your records there as well to change your religious information. I did that last year and it felt great! The nurse was so helpful and relieved that I would now accept blood. :)

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