How Did The Watchtower Reason Away Their United Nation Membership Card? Poor Malawi Brothers!

by ÁrbolesdeArabia 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    The brothers in Malawi died, sisters were rapped for not buying a Government Card which the Watchtower Organization did for itself with the United Nations (NGO status, card carryning members of the Wild Beast!)

    Why did the Governing Body decide it was ok to carry a United Nations identification card for the Watchtower Society as a whole? This makes no sense, shows how little the Governing Body and the "dark corporation behind the Organization" does not care for Jesus Christ's little sheep.

    The Watchtower could say with one mouth, it's wrong for a brother to drive a coke truck onto a military base to deliver coca cola, but it's ok for them to "take a walk on the wild side with the "Wild Beast"", how dumb we Witnesses were to think they were any better than Babylon the Great or Christendom!

    Did anyone here ever get the official explanation how they broke this information to their rank and file members? Do Jehovah's Witnesses know the Organazation joined the United Nations?

  • Splash

    It would be enlightening for you to engage in discussion instead of hurling insults.

    I know you are too afraid to do this though, so just take a breath and read some more of the forum.

    You will soon see where the mental disease lies.


  • blondie

    They said it was only a library c ard. But they were associated with the UN as a non-governmental organization which requires supporting the UN Charter which has a clause re supporting military support.

  • elderelite

    Here is the real crime..... In CoC ray franz Draws a comparision with mexico where men were required to do a certain amount of time in military service to receive government assistance (of any kind). Instead of declining the gov assistance the brothers were allowed to bribe government officials to have their service records falsified. This at the same time malawi was going on.

    To add insult to injury the reason the malawi situation started in the first place was that when the civil war (or the whole political card became an issue)broke out the local brothers couldnt contact brooklyn for direction. They just decided to err "on the iode of caution" and say not to buy the political cards so as not offend the desert god. When communication was established with brooklyn again the big wigs in brooklyn felt that if they over turned the local brothers decision it would undermine the suffering the brothers had been through already. So they aimply went along with and thousands of dubbies were beaten, raped and killed needlessly. And told it was to "stay neutral" .

    To add insult to injury, there was really was only political party in malawi anyway. It could have been reasoned that the so called political card was just a government issued ID. Had not the local brothers decided it was a sin absent any direction from brooklyn, brooklyn itself didnt see buying the cards as an issue.

    Good thing this is gods spirit directed organization and all.....

  • designs

    Joining the NGO of the UN could have been a step to modernizing the Wt. but they blew the opportunity. They actually could have used their authority structure to tell the Rank and File that this was the new way to broaden the appeal and deal with modern issues, instead they ran and hid in the bush when confronted.

  • elderelite

    They could have simply said it was using all legal means to establish and defend the good news and cited the scripture on that. Problem solved... But as you say, they ran and hid. Telling.

  • notjustyet

    Yes, they could have reasoned, "We have found a way to use Satans WILD BEAST of Revelation against himself as a way to further the preaching work in foreign lands, and the WILD BEAST MUST comply with honoring our request to become a member"

    I'm sure that they would have found some scripture to back it up and of course it would have been fullfilling prophecy to boot.


  • trujw

    Here is something I think is even better to show the evil of the GB. All of them had a passport. At one time in order to get a passport you had to take an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States. AN OATH to the US governments Constitution. You see all rules can be bent for them and tossed aside.

  • DesirousOfChange

    SPLASH: It would be enlightening for you to engage in discussion instead of hurling insults.

    I know you are too afraid to do this though, so just take a breath and read some more of the forum.

    You will soon see where the mental disease lies.

    But at least (s)he is not "diseased" enough to be defending the hypocritical actions of the WTS. There just is NO WAY to excuse this double-talk.


  • james_woods

    Desirous of Change - Do we think that the Troll-Clock may need to be applied to a certain post above?

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