The Judicial Committee Gossiping Reach, Two or Four Counties? Three!

by ÁrbolesdeArabia 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Scott777, in my experience I agree that only pedophiles are ones who have received a "no gossiping policy", my former KH has two sex offenders, the Jehovah Witnesses love them both, they are great hard working former elders who stepped down (not deleted!)

    The elders of this Hall have kept their sins undercover for fifteen years and nobody is the wiser. The little letter follows them but these pedophiles have means to throw great partys and provide plenty of gifts for elders who think they made a tiny mistake.

    The Secretary would allow his grand-daughters to sit on the laps of these freaky men, "oh those letters are hard to accept, this man I have known for years and I love him!" How can you refute this type of lurid thinking, these guys don't protect the flock, they are like the wicked ancient Isreal!

  • talesin

    LHG - yes, they 'have no lfe' .... tsk tsk, what an existence. ugh.

  • Skbj

    A few months ago I went to my home country and as some of you know or don't I haven't been a JW in almost 15 years, and Idk what's my situation i.e. I sent a letter to my last congregation (in a different country from my homeland) that I wanted out but Idk if my home town country and old congregation knows about it and I don't really care to know either anyway....

    I was home and visited my uncle and his family, my uncle is an elder. His eldest son (my cuz) has a girlfriend in a congregation a good 80 miles away and she was coming to stay with my uncle's family for the weekend so I met her as she arrived.

    I don't know what the situation was but from the "open" conversation (i.e. gossip in my books), someone in her family was getting DF'd and my uncle asked her if they had made the announcement and she started talking infront of everyone (including me whom she never met until that moment) like they were talking about the weather. I was like you guys have your sense of "confidentiality" all messed up.

    So to the OP I am so not surprised about your experience at all.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    The sad thing is many JWs think their intimate confessions will never be revealed. I can't tell you how many times the CO, the Watchtower Branch Elders were written because elders shared the sins of the confession with publishers, wives and family.

    The Society does not remove elders for sharing damaging gossip against the sheeples, I know elders who can't keep their mouth shut and remain in postion. How would you like your sins that plagued your conscience to be shared with the whole Kingdom Hall? The Catholic Chruch keeps the sins with your priest, some JW elders are happy to "run in a hurry with a bad report or hurtful talk".

    I wrote this theard to warn "Lurkers", their secret conversations are as strong as the weakest elder link.

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