ZeitGeist: I Sense A Disturbance In The Force

by metatron 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Simply put, something is happening behind the scenes of world affairs that the mainstream media isn't reporting.

    Suddenly, there are secession petitions in nearly every US state, including Texas, Louisiana, Alaska and Hawaii.

    There is a bizarre sex scandal at the highest levels of the US military - together with evidence that the exposure of the scandal was timed. There have been US military leaders relieved of command together with specific rumors of a planned coup attempt against President Obama. There were rumors about threats made because he refused to initiate a preventive war with Iran, together with Israeli leaders.

    Europe is threatened with collapse and anarchy and there is a rumor about an emergency Bilderberg meeting in Rome tonight. There are reports of soldiers in Portugal joining street protests there.

    And then there's the BBC thing: have some of the most powerful men in England and Europe been out of control pedophiles?

    One conspiracy site reported a strange rumor about a massive movement of business leaders to Denver - a favorite site for conspiracy theorists as a NWO base. The post vanished as suddenly as it appeared.

    One of the wisest remarks I ever heard was recorded by President FDR: "In politics, nothing happens by accident". I believe there is such a thing as a "Cabal" - bankers, business leaders and powerful people who run the world by manipulation and distraction - and all sorts of things are being orchestrated by them to try to hold on to power.

    Maybe there's some truth in all this "2012" nonsense yet....................purely coincidental, of course.


  • talesin

    One of the wisest remarks I ever heard was recorded by President FDR: "In politics, nothing happens by accident". I believe there is such a thing as a "Cabal" - bankers, business leaders and powerful people who run the world by manipulation and distraction - and all sorts of things are being orchestrated by them to try to hold on to power.

    For sure. That's what Occupy and Anonymous are about. Many people are waking up to the fact that the world is ruled by a small group of elite.

    Anyone who researches 20th century history, especially the restructuring of corporations; the IMF (corrupt to its core); wars based on greed and control; the lists goes on and on .... has to realize that we do indeed, have 'puppet masters' ruling the world. Just research the connections between the Saudi royal family and the Bush families for the past century or so --- it will blow your mind! It's only going to get worse.


  • metatron

    Here's another US general demoted this morning:


    Want another clue? Follow the story about Gwyneth Todd, who reportedly went on the run for her life after exposing a plot to start a war with Iran in 2007 by military Neo Cons.

    Is it possible that Obama has been widely misjudged? That he has 'outconned' the warmongers?

    I predict that the US will turn its back on Israel over the next few years - which will enrage the born again types.


  • coffee_black

    http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303822204577470532859210296.html From the above link:

    Crovitz: The U.N.'s Internet Power Grab

    Leaked documents show a real threat to the international flow of information.

    The WCITLeaks site hit pay dirt this past Friday. Someone leaked the 212-page planning document being used by governments to prepare for the December conference. Mr. Dourado summarized: "These proposals show that many ITU member states want to use international agreements to regulate the Internet by crowding out bottom-up institutions, imposing charges for international communication, and controlling the content that consumers can access online."

    The broadest proposal in the draft materials is an initiative by China to give countries authority over "the information and communication infrastructure within their state" and require that online companies "operating in their territory" use the Internet "in a rational way"—in short, to legitimize full government control. The Internet Society, which represents the engineers around the world who keep the Internet functioning, says this proposal "would require member states to take on a very active and inappropriate role in patrolling" the Internet.

    Several proposals would give the U.N. power to regulate online content for the first time, under the guise of protecting against computer malware or spam. Russia and some Arab countries want to be able to inspect private communications such as email. Russia and Iran propose new rules to measure Internet traffic along national borders and bill the originator of the traffic, as with international phone calls. That would result in new fees to local governments and less access to traffic from U.S. "originating" companies such as Google, Facebook and Apple. A similar idea has the support of European telecommunications companies, even though the Internet's global packet switching makes national tolls an anachronistic idea.


  • Satanus

    Keep us informed.


  • OnTheWayOut

    The "sex scandal" was probably timed. Any problems in-house with staff were hushed and put on hold until the election was completed. There is much more to that particular resignation than meets the news, but these events are meant to be cleared off the agenda right away so they can be forgotten (more or less) by the time January rolls in. I would expect a handful more of resignations before/after Thanksgiving.

    Other things may be driven by the opposition as a form of protest.

    The secession stuff is just wild cards in the making. Nothing will come of those. Even Fox News doesn't want to highlight that too much as they know nothing will come of it.

    Best guesses on the Europe stuff. ?????
  • scotoma

    Conspiracy theories have become entertainment. They are rooted in the way our brains evolved. Our brains evolved to match patterns so that we can survive in an environment of cluttered information. You always see faces in clouds - NOT clouds in faces. One of the big problems in a troop of 120 roaming primates is trying to figure out what everyone is up to. A rich nutritional "find" might be kept secret from the troop by individual members so they can exploit it for themselves without having to fight for their food. These individuals might share their information with select allies who regularly reciprocate when they find a choice food source. Another "political" problem is access to mating opportunities. Men in power (often ugly) are desireable to females. Nature invests in eggs not sperm.

    This is why people believe in Gods and Demons and Invisible souls that are in control. No one has much control because it is impossible to get the right information. There are conspiracies but they tend to form associations where they become each others own worst enemies. There is NO master plan. The master plan is in our own evolutionary heritage. It's called greed. And it fails because the higher you get the more you are a victim of your own hubris.

    History is littered with dictators torn apart by their subjects.

    Convergence of bad things is easy to explain. Shit happens. And sometimes a lot of shit happens.

    Democracy has the right idea. Keep stirring the pot.

  • FlyingHighNow
    I believe there is such a thing as a "Cabal" - bankers, business leaders and powerful people who run the world by manipulation and distraction - and all sorts of things are being orchestrated by them to try to hold on to power.

    It has another name: plutocracy.

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