what an evening

by wha happened? 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Just got out of bed.

    I've been feeling a bit flu like since thursday. NO big deal. Yesterday it kicks in full gear. Fever, Massive chills, every muscle in my body screaming in pain. I would get chills which would trigger the muscles and really have me screaming in pain. My wife is screaming "let me call 911" I told her to wait and after about 10 minutes, the chills subsited. The closest thing I can equate it to was when I was at the Black Flag concert and we pissed off a bouncer, so he and 3 others literaly beat us into the emergancy room.

    By 4am the fever broke.

    New to me, never felt anyhting like that in my life. I was terrified. Had no control with the massive shakes. I'm not one to rest when I get sick normally. I just work. Injuries, who cares. I wouldn't take pain pills after surgury. I guess its some remaining Mexican macho-ness handed down from my Dad. Like him I rarely called in sick.

    sick of laying in bed. My kittens took over my blanket. They stayed with me the whole time.

    Still a little sore, but wtf was that all about?

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Ok, you had us convinced of your maschismo until you mentioned the kittens.

    You big softy, you!

    Sorry that you were sick but glad you're on the mend.

  • tiki

    sounds like a doozie of a virus.....lay low, take it easy and let it run its course..............chicken soup. i've had chills like that - way scary...best is to keep hot as you can, take advil, tylenol - whatever your choice....keep the fluids....................and if you get too high, you can get brain damage - so keep an eye on the temp and call your MD if you get past 103/104................

    if you have specific or localized paind could be bacterial in which case you need antibiotics to kill it........

    take care and get better!!!

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    it was high last night. Now, nothing. Just a little weak and I showered asap as I was sweating all night until about 4am. the pain is gone. weird

  • 00DAD

    Had that once, nasty stuff.

    Glad the fever broke.

    Let me know when you're better and we'll get together!


  • panhandlegirl

    wha happwned, sorry you've been having a rough time. It looks like what you just described is "rigors." I have seen patients suffer from the rigors and they shake so hard that they nearly jump out of the bed. It is terrifying. We call it "shake and bake." We usually give demerol iv to stop them. You must have had a bad flu. I have seen rigors brought on by certain antibiotics, but infection can bring rigors on. Take care of yourself; the flu can be serious. Stop being macho and get some rest.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    yep that's about right. I was on the floor but if I were in the bed, it would have rocked and rolled.

    Hungry now, getting soup

  • Vidqun

    Wha, sounds like a variant of bird flu, although with most of those you get stomach complaints on top of the flu symptoms. Best you sweat it out. If it is flu then antibiotics won't help. I had a bad one a while back and the pharmacist said I should get over it by myself. As the Flu variants get worse, getting the yearly flu shot is not such a bad idea.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    thanks guys, now That I seemed to have returned to the land of the living, I can get some crap done around the house

  • EntirelyPossible

    I was at the Black Flag concert


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