Just got out of bed.
I've been feeling a bit flu like since thursday. NO big deal. Yesterday it kicks in full gear. Fever, Massive chills, every muscle in my body screaming in pain. I would get chills which would trigger the muscles and really have me screaming in pain. My wife is screaming "let me call 911" I told her to wait and after about 10 minutes, the chills subsited. The closest thing I can equate it to was when I was at the Black Flag concert and we pissed off a bouncer, so he and 3 others literaly beat us into the emergancy room.
By 4am the fever broke.
New to me, never felt anyhting like that in my life. I was terrified. Had no control with the massive shakes. I'm not one to rest when I get sick normally. I just work. Injuries, who cares. I wouldn't take pain pills after surgury. I guess its some remaining Mexican macho-ness handed down from my Dad. Like him I rarely called in sick.
sick of laying in bed. My kittens took over my blanket. They stayed with me the whole time.
Still a little sore, but wtf was that all about?