Ah, I spotted at least two glaring errors within the first 5 paragraphs... Whoops!! On page 2, that is...
"Stars start out as large dust clouds, condense into red supergiants, orange giants, yellow then
white main sequence stars, then on up to blue giants, then supernova. The same process as heating up a piece of metal, from the initial red glow to where it gets blue-hot and breaks. • Since stars are built from dust and debris as fuel, the more fuel available, the hotter the sun will get..."
Astronomers can see "young" stars in many "star nurseries" in space, yet these are not condensing into "red supergiants"... From:
http://www.space.com/8750-star-nursery-photographed-vivid-colors.html Nope....
No "red giants" there...
Secondly, it's not "dust and debris" that fuel stars, it's hydrogen...