Reaction When Telling JWs "New Light" Regarding GB & FDS

by turtleturtle 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "Two brothers that are in appointed positions stated "I thought that was the understanding already"."

    Was it already their understanding that the "Faithful Slave" didn't exist until 1918?... and that none of the first century christians or apostles were faithful slaves? Was it already their understanding that the other sheep are part of the "domestics" along with the anointed? Was it already their understanding that Jesus has not yet come to inspect them and announce that they are faithful and then appoint them over all his belongings?

    It would be interesting to get their "understanding" before the WT tells them what they're supposed to think about all this new shite.

  • Vidiot

    I'm still fuzzy about why they would call a meeting of missionaries from overseas (and to fly in on their own dime, no less) just to fill them in on this, and felt the need to coach local BOEs to prep their congregations to "accept" the adjustment.

    The only explanation I can think of is that many of the partakers out there are held in a measure of esteem wherever they are, but if the GB is marginilizing them to consolidate their own authority, there might be some mavericks out there who won't take it too well and make a kafuffle.

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