No doubt there'll be some type of 'miracle'. The type that starts JW urban legends.
I hope nothing happens to the Governing Body, the WT and all JWs
by 00DAD 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
True, Outlaw! That is precisely what Malawi was all about. Had there been valuable property in Malawi then political cards would have been allowed, and some other persecution would have been used. Except for a few minor issues here and there, it is an endless nothingness. If you are still " in " name one legitmate new thing taught since the 70's. No hell, God's Kingdoms, condition of the dead ( that ones's ify ) that's all they have...
No doubt there'll be some type of 'miracle'. The type that starts JW urban legends.
You mean like all the sandwiches provided for poor Whitneys funeral services?
Data-dog: You mean like all the sandwiches provided for poor Whitneys funeral services?
Jehovah, God of sandwiches, but not of saving young girls from being murdered.
Cold Steel
Nothing in nature stays the same. Life is always filled with opposition. The JW Governing Body only has the power that the members give them. If they can control what members read, watch, think and believe. The members want other people to read their materials and thoughtfully, even prayerfully, consider them. But woe betide the member who reads the literature of a rival sect! It's reading apostate stuff! And if they can place fear in the hearts of their members, then they have them. If they can keep exposure to other religious and secular views to a minimum, they can keep members safely ensconced in their little cacoons. It's also helpful to control their access to their own families. If they aren't Jehovah's Witnesses, then cast them off! If they are Jehovah's Witnesses, watch out! With a simple declaration they will cast YOU off.
So the GB will never be isolated and de-fanged. Even if you sever ties with them, they control your friends and family; because while you served them, they counseled you not to socialize outside of controlled circles. In other words, they want to be able to control the tap. They don't want members who associate with people whose loyalties they don't tightly control. If they can squeeze your family or friends; or if you've cut off your non-member friends, parents and siblings, they're able to use the power that YOU gave them.
It's all very fascinating. It's one reason that Jesus condemned false teachers and blind guides. For when blind leaders who receive no revelation try to lead others, they all fall into the pit. The GB is a self-appointed group of blind guides. Their teachings aren't consistent and they have considerable influence over their followers.