Is leaving the JW's like release from Prison ?

by Phizzy 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phizzy

    I was listening this morning to the experience of Sonia "Sunny" Jacobs, who was on death row for a long time, until her case was properly dealt with.

    She explained that upon leaving prison after all those years it was Amazing ! "The colours!" she said, in Prison all is grey or black , but outside in the free world, so many colours!

    She also said "and so many decisions ! what shall I wear today? what shall I eat? where shall I go?"

    I thought of how we were when first stepping in to the real free world, I see many parallels.

    My world now is full of colour ! Decisions are many, but made in total freedom.

    Adjustment is hard, but fun ! And like Sunny, we don't have the threat of death hanging over us.

  • Chariklo

    I listened to that programme too, Phizzy...most of it anyway!

    And yes, I certainly felt a huge sense of freedom when I got away from the JW's! Of course, it's very different for me because I have no family "in".

    That programme made a huge impression on me, because neither of the people featured had actually committed the crime for which they were sentenced to death. It really makes you think, doesn't it? Those two were each eventually proved innocent. If they had been killed, then being proved innocent would have been far, far too late, wouldn't it?

    I remember all the debates on whether or not capital punishment could be justified, back in the fifties and sixties. We used to debate the question in school. Thank goodness we no longer have such a thing in Britain!

  • Phizzy

    I am glad too dear Chariklo, that we don't have the Death Penalty for most crimes, I think you can still be put to death for Treason and even Piracy maybe ?

    I think though, that you just spent a bit of time in remand, I was on Death Row for decades LOL

    My changed worldview is just so wonderful that Sunny's words really resonated with me.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Phizzy: Adjustment is hard, but fun ! And like Sunny, we don't have the threat of death hanging over us.

    Hey, Phizzy, actually for the FIRST TIME in my life, I have come to realize that I DO have the threat of death hanging over me! For decades I was taught and I believed that we'd all just skate right on into Panda Paradise. Evidently, I'm a slow learner. It wasn't until I came to the realization that I now have buried all of the earlier generations of my family (all whom were part of the "Millions. . . ") and I AM NEXT. (Disclaimer: Unless you consider us all one overlapping generation.)

    It's been a real mind-f**k.


  • Vidiot
    Phizzy - "Is leaving the JW's like release from Prison?"

    A minimum-security (idealogical) prison (at least for me), but yes.

  • jookbeard

    Spam spam spam

  • cobaltcupcake

    It's funny - I knew I was out of prison but could still feel the shackles. It dawned on me slowly that I could now do stuff that I couldn't do before.

  • Phizzy

    Another point that Sunny's husband made was that innocent people who leave prison get no support, guilty offenders get help to re-adjust.

    We were the same, at least until we found somewhere like JWN, the shackles still hurt for a while, and we wondered what we could do, and where to "go".

    He was sentenced to death too, in Ireland during the Troubles, he was innocent too.

    He said when he left Prison he had no money, and not even a Social Security number, nowhere to turn but loyal friends and family, many of us did not even have that !

  • likeabird

    Most definitely - except you don't always realize you were in a prison until you're on the other side.

    On learning the TATT it was as if someone had handed me a golden ticket. Best feeling ever, even when tainted with feelings of stupidity and anger that come with discovering you've been duped your whole life.

  • EndofMysteries

    The truth will set you free.

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