The Vatican New World Order

by Infowarrior 40 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Satanus

    While i have a certain amount of respect for the catholic church, trying to preserve it is futile, imo. Zionists will not give up.

    If such a thing as religion is a viable idea, we need to make our own. Christianity is theres, anyway. I can understand their resentment towards it.


  • mP

    - Martin Luther and others resisted and exposed the Vatican creating a religious divide, allowing Christians to move closer to Biblical Christaianity.


    Is this biblical xianity that allows slavery and raping of virgins without punishment ?

  • NoStonecutters

    Indeed, Satanus. The Protestant Reformation leaders were militant Zionists who took up the sword, and even engaged in magic through Kabbalah. Johannes Reuchlin and Thomas Muntzer, Luther's protege, are two examples of Judaizing reformers. Luther was too, but then pulled a 180 at the last moment. While the Reformation had reason to be pissed off with Rome's corruption, the Marranos seized on the opportunity and co-opted the Reformation and used it to dismantle Christian hegemony in Europe. This dismantling resulted in the success of the French Revolution as well as the Enlightenment. This raises the question: was the Enlightenment at Jewish endeavour?

  • Satanus

    The christians' greatest strength, faith, is also their greatest weakness, and will be their evntual downfall, as a group. In pheonix fashion, that downfall can pave the way for a better way. The enlightenment and french revolution are mere small blips of that, what got through the first cracks. Perhaps you, nostone, fight against that, but i see it as inevitable.


  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    The Almighty's Dollar

    i'm no new world order type person, but i did find this interesting...

  • NoStonecutters

    Satanus, Orthodox eschatology holds the 1,000 year reign of Christ as a past event, therefore, the apostasy follows while Satan rules unrestricted. Suffering is expected. Unlike Evangelicals, which are basically Christian Jihadists fighting wars for fleshly Israel and very focused on money and material gain, the Orthodox, and Catholic, are focused on piety and charity. This will remain despite the lack of Christian hegemony.

    Is it coincidence that the Kabbalah (Occultism) and the Reformation surged following approximately 1,000 years since Chist came to Earth? Christianity dominated the world from shortly after Christ's death to about the 12th century. Even thereafter, Christianity remained dominant, although corrupted and co-opted. But for those 1,000 years, things were pretty good. Doctrine was pure, the gospel was brought to the four corners of the Earth.

    As far as the future is concerned, Satanus, I believe we are experiencing cultural decline at an ever increasing rate. Everything is become very bland, stale, and dark. But what would one expect when everything of value is being dispensed with in the name of progress? We are slowly inching towards a world totalitarian system, which we are unlikely to ever recover from. 1984 is here and will get worse.

  • mP

    Christianity dominated the world from shortly after Christ's death to about the 12th century. Even thereafter, Christianity remained dominant, although corrupted and co-opted


    Habe you checked how xianity dominated the earth ? Answer the same way islam dominated the middle east, by death and conquest. Nobody became a xianity because it was beautiful, it was death, torture or slavery. Just ask the natives of the Americans of the blacks in Africa and so on.

  • NoStonecutters

    mP, I think you are confusing the Crusades and the Inquisition with the Early Church. Better go back and sort it out. That's not how it went down.

    The Roman Church never had a policy of conversion or death and never took up the sword. There were bands of insurrectionists in isolated cases that did, however. Even in the Inqusition, the Papacy never authorized forced conversions on Jews. In fact, those who tried to force convert Jews were excommunicated. The Church did deal with heretics harshly, however. But Jews and other non-believers could not be considered heretics, so the Church left them alone.

  • Satanus

    ' the Orthodox, and Catholic, are focused on piety and charity.'

    Humanism, for which i respect them.

    'Is it coincidence that the Kabbalah (Occultism) and the Reformation surged following approximately 1,000 years since Chist came to Earth?'

    Hmmm. Taking a step back, the thousand yrs, and satan and his rule are all jewish nt ideas. Kaballah is another jewish idea, that they came up w much later. It is an attempt at spirituality on a personal level. You accept the earlier jewish ideas, but reject a newer, later one?


  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    that documentary is an interesting one...

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