Translated, especially for JT

by Yadirf 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Perry
    Perry man!

    Your comments regarding a particular phrase by a certain astute poster on this board, and your subsequent postulate concerning the possible linkage of such linguistic liasons that under your charge, apparently impart certain connotations of endearment at times or lack thereof, and carries not only an alleged ethnically narrow characterization but also a regional and nostalgic flavor of aloof condesension, is not only baseless, racist, and faceless, but removes any vestiage of human connectedness that may have at times erroneously been attributed to you by misconstrueing your apparaent feigning of altruistic religious concern into something akin to but at the same time bastardizing your participation in the species homo sapien; thereby negating any sound argument for the need of and/or the perverse desire to continually injest and willfully waste the exact same atmosphere that has sustained other more pertinent, relevent and essential members of said species, and therefore has justifiably, unreservedly, and irrevocaby relegated your entire function and participation in said species to a mere fraction of the physical totality to the last known function of the life sustaining process of compound assimilation and the subsequent organical dispensing of wasteful and useless matter, known to many as simply the usueful and utterly unsanitary anal orifice.

    Congratulations on your achievement.

    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America

  • Solace

    Do me a favor.
    Read the opening you just posted on this thread.

    If you still believe in those statements because you cant read between the lines to see all the manipulative motives behind those commands,
    well, there is nothing more I can say.

    Thank you for posting it though.
    I couldnt have said it better myself.

  • JT

    I personally think that poster like Friday play a major role in helping jw who are willing to examine things and I KNOW it helps NONJW to see the foolishness and the level of back tracking , back flipping that is required on the part of a jw to try and explain that THE KING HAS NO CLOTHES

    for many jw who lurk here when they see the issues raised, and then backed up by DIRECT QUOTES FROM THE WT, only to be followed up by a poster like Friday or YK who attempt to explain what everyone clearly sees are direct CONTRIDICITONS OF STATEMENT

    it helps them put things in prospective, as to why they are not the mouth pc of god as claimed but merely a bucnh of guys giving their best hunch or guess /interpertation on a bible text

    as many of you know i have often stated that the wt would have in my view been just fine if they had stayed with BIBLE COMMENTARY

    this way they would have the leeway to change, back track and so forth on thier OWN interpertation and views of scripture, but instead of remaining students of the Word, they decide to get up into the seat of MOSES,and the other men of old

    the wt continually equates itself to men who invoked being INSPIRED as thier right to speak and be heard

    yet wt is very quick to point out that they ARE NOT INSPIRED - yet they demand the same level of respect that the men of old is- and WITHOUT ANY OF THE RESPONSIBLITY when they get it wrong


    BOTH OF THESE issues were presented to the jw faith and in fact the entire world thru thier publications as the views of god himself-

    they quoted a ton of bible text to support that view and even INVOKED DFING if one failed to follow those rules

    then years later they tell us it has gone from being a direct voilation of the will of god, punishible by dfing and cut off forever and never getting into the new system TO NOW IT'S A CONSCIENCE MATTER

    well when you show a non jw some goofy dogma that was raised to the level of eternal destruction and then it has been reduced to a conscience matter, they quickly see that the men who presented that info were not directed by god in veiw of the fact that folks lost thier lives ,cut off from family by bing df and yet the

    instead they blamed the rank and file- in the case of alternative service they stated that THE BRO CONSCIECE WAS TOO STRICT is why he felt that he could not work at the hopsital , but went to prison

    well the well documented paper trail of the wt shows that to be A LIE

    AND when lurkers and NONJW are able to read the entire developement of that dogma from start to finish one quickly sees it was not a case of NEW LIGHT just men guessing and screwing up folks lives

    i hope that we continue to have folks like Friday post
    for in my view we indeed NEED THEM here on these sites to confirm FOR ALL THAT the mind of a jw is indeed control by the Boys in Writing.




    I Want to thank all of you for weighing in on this issue of Hypocrisy on the part of jw who attempt to try and rewrite that the wt has said on issues

    the sad part is for folks like Friday and not that i'm directing my comments at him per say for he merely reflects a "MINDSET" oftentimes found among jw, it could be him or we could substitue him with any other jw who fails to see the foolishness of the dogmas and all of thier answers are so CANNED

    THAT IS why for the most part we already know how the avg jw will respond to any info that puts the wt in a bad light, their response is almost TEXT BOOK

    we have read of post by many here who speak to their family and friends and the exaplaniation they will give is almost word for word

    and when you ask them to give you THIER THOUGHTS they are totally at a lost

    it is truly sad as we watch loyal jw struggle to try and make sense out of what is clearly some of the most foolish rules that the Writing Dept and Service Dept can cook up

    case in point - when one does any research on the instructions that elders followed on the issue of a sister being Raped

    the instructions change almost every few years on what the poor sister had to do to avoid being df:

    had to scream one year

    didnt have to scream

    had to scream

    didnt' have to scream

    the sisters got the shaft based on the year they got raped according to the wt rules

    and when NONJW and sincere lurkers see rules like that which literally F#$K with folks lives it doesn't take long to realize this AINT THE TRUTH

    JUST MY 2

  • DannyBear


    You asked Yadirfman;

    ***Why would you want to continue to waste your life after all that you have seen posted here on this board.***

    Here is the rub, Yadman is not an active jw. He has been a fence sitter since the seventies. So all his bluster, is just that.

    Somehow in his mind, he thinks his defense of the indefensible, will conjur up points in heaven. Thus when the big A strikes, Jah of Armies will give him a free pass. He will waltz right on into paradise, laughing at all the other sucker's (jw's) who really 'walked the walk, talked the talk'.

    He is one scared retired postman..very insecure about his position in or or out...that is the real question.

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but Yadman is not 'one of Jehovah's Witnesses'!


  • Reborn2002

    Friday, my naive little WatchTower follower and JW-sympathizer.. why must you ceaselessly make yourself look foolish?

    Your last post only supports my own yet again.

    I said

    If youll reference the "Satan's Time is Lessening" thread youll notice ApostateMan did the same thing asking him to explain Scriptures, but conveniently Friday did not have time, yet he can sit and post insults on other threads all day long.

    And you respond with:

    1) JT
    2) aShitaka
    3) JeffT
    4) Reborn2002

    1 + 1 + 1 +1 = 4


    I thought for sure there was supposed to be only 3 stooges.


    I noticed that none of you could do anything but jeer. What's the matter? No brains? Or what?

    More insults, and less dealing with the topics at hand.

    So, NO... I did not lie. I stated you avoided answering him (because it is of your own prerogative and you chose not to discuss Scriptures and valid doctrinal points which debunk WT comic books) yet you have the time to sit and insult people, and anyone who peruses this board knows this to be true.

    Show me a place where Ive lied Friday? By all means do so. Problem is you cant kid.

    While were at it why dont you address the VERY specific issues jerome brought up? Let me guess.. you dont have time and it will be of your own prerogative, yet your very next post on this thread will be insulting me or someone else who has openly asked a question of you..dear Watchtower Scholar and Prophet.

    Just more smokescreen and evasive tactics.. you learned well from your elders and Theocratic Ministry School.


  • JT

    dannybear says:Here is the rub, Yadman is not an active jw. He has been a fence sitter since the seventies. So all his bluster, is just that.

    Somehow in his mind, he thinks his defense of the indefensible, will conjur up points in heaven. Thus when the big A strikes, Jah of Armies will give him a free pass. He will waltz right on into paradise, laughing at all the other sucker's (jw's) who really 'walked the walk, talked the talk'.

    He is one scared retired postman..very insecure about his position in or or out...that is the real question.


    interesting post

    one of the things that one quickly realizes when it comes to guys like Friday- as i have often mention they are usually OUTCAST IN THIER HALLS

    Being that many of us were former jw we all know the routine of how things work

    a guy like friday "IF" he is inactive he is veiwed by his own religion and it's members as a LOSER, bottom line

    he can defend wt all day and the CO will still SPIT IN HIS FACE

    I FEEL sorry for any jw who is already an outcast and then fails to see why he is treated as such

    you feel for the dude


  • Solace

    That explains alot about Yadirf.
    Its also very sad.

    I guess some take a little longer to realize the truth about the Org.
    Then again, some never will.

  • Reborn2002
  • DannyBear


    The more time away from the borg (22yrs), the less tolerance I have for the Yadirf's and Yk's of the world.

    They spout venom, fire, and brimstone at anyone pointing out the glaring lies by the wtbs, yet are unwilling themselves to live the live they espouse.

    To me this is the hieghth of hypocracy and deciet. Unwilling to trek 5 to 10 blocks, from house to house every weekend, they sit on their collective asses, patting themselves on the back for taking us 'bad apostates' on. What a crock of self delusion.

    The real Friday has been 'translated' and found wanting...'ennie meanie sekkel McFarseen' even Zerrubberball's can barely entertain his interpretations....and they are friendly!

    I still think there is a real person hiding somewhere under Yadman's thick stack of watchtower's.


  • 2SYN

    I fully agree with DannyBear. These people are doomed anyway, according to their own theology, so why do they even bother? Remember, the WTBTS tells us, once an apostate, ALWAYS AN APOSTATE.

    You'll never get back in again if they bust you. Ever.

    Sorry to burst your bubble, guys.

    But then again, if you consider being an 'apostate' *GIGGLE, DAMN BUT WE ARE BAD-ASS GUYS, HEY?* the fee for never being allowed into the WTBTS again, I reckon it's a fair exchange.

    Of course, there are people like me who are quite vehemently opposed to anything even remotely related to the WTBTS. Sometimes I think I might lay the vitriol on a tad too thick, but I think for what those losers in Brooklyn have accomplished over the years, the lives taken, the families destroyed, the lives shattered, it's not even scratching the surface of the revenge I would like to have on them. It's my own personal jihad.

    AND THIS IS THE FATWA! Look that word up to see exactly what it means:

    One of the funniest things about this whole mess is that the WTBTS drones which have been monitoring this site +others have leaked the word that 'something big' is to be expected from 'the apostates'. They are so ludicrous, and they don't even know it. Indirectly, they have completely exposed themselves as hypocrites by merely visiting these sites. It seems that the Laws of Brooklyn don't apply to the boys at the top.


    "...the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing" - The Golden Age
    [SYN], UADA
    - Unseen Apostate Directorate of Africa.

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