What Year Will JWs Start To Ask, Are The GB Pulling Our Leg? 2020, 2030 or 2050?

by ÁrbolesdeArabia 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DesirousOfChange

    What Yer Will JWs Start To Ask, Are The GB Pulling Our Leg? 2020, 2030, or 2050?

    It's ALREADY happening.

    The future is now.

    Well Said: It's a revolving door system. Thats why they need to keep recruiting.


  • flipper

    I truly believe SOME JW's are already asking this question- however- with the power of mind control and as Blues Brother said here the older JW members influence the newbie JW members to accept anything the WT society spews forth out of it's collective mouth so a good number of JW's will remain mind controlled. Satanus made a great point too in that it IS a revolving door with constantly new members replacing older dying members so each generation ( every 30 yrs. ) of Witnesses will NOT know about 1975, the 1980 alleged " apostasy " at Bethel , or any falling out in the 1920's unless they see it on the Internet - and the WT society already has " demonized " the Internet to all of these JW's.

    I think in time if the WT society has some big news of injustices , financial corruption, more huge headline child abuse scandals, etc. it may cause SOME Witnesses to exit the organization but not enough to make a huge enough dent to stop the organization totally. Personally I think it's up to us ( or I speak at least for myself ) to expose the WT society to as many people as I can in order to educate people of how dangerous this organization really is. One reason I'm an activist against the organization in my own way

  • DaveS

    Sir82 said:

    My best guess is that it will gradually fade into obscurity, slowly declining but never really disappearing, over the next 50 or so years.

    This is what scares me the most. In 30 or so years I will have to watch my parents die and despite their delusions, I know they are going to start questioning. I won't be able to comfort them. I had to watch my Grandfather die whilst grasping at this fucking "hope". I really don't know how I'm going to deal with my parents when their turn comes around.

  • Ding

    If failed prophecies were what it takes to put the WTS out of business, it would have gone out of business long ago.

  • Finkelstein

    We're just over a year now to 2014, when it does finally arrive it will be a pivotal year for a proportionate amount of JWS.

    Are the GB heads aware of this on coming year, I think they are ?

    Probably thinking about what kind of Bullshit ahead of time that they can come up with.

  • Finkelstein

    I personally see the stronger gradual enforcement of not associating with people who don't have the JW stamp of approval on their foreheads,

    an occurrence from the fact that the WTS. has been walking on a fine line concerning their own viable Truth.

    The obviousness to this organization's doctrinal postulations is that its been saying that the world is at its closing end and very soon, for

    over 100 years now. The last grasp of breath from the marketing executives of this religious publishing house (WTS.) was

    " Jesus meant generations when he said generation " taking Jesus's words right out of his own mouth and changing the meaning to something

    quite different is indicative of just how stressed the GB are about maintaining the flock and toward substantiating their own very existence.

  • clarity

    Good thread Arabia, see you've been on since early Oct.

    I enjoy your posts! I fear this cult will never stop ...plse

    let me be wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Nice to hear from you DaveS


    Many new ones on here lately .... sorry I've missed welcoming

    so many of you. It is exhausting work to escape from a cult,

    congratulations all of you!


  • LouBelle

    That religion will keep making excuses and will keep on inventing new lies to cover their tracks. They will make current literature old light. They will re-invent themselves over and over again. Don't know that the masses will wake up.

  • Nambo

    I belive the opposite will happen, the financial system is on the verge of collapse, thats going to seem like Armageddon to first world countries, never mind all the other tricks the hidden hand have up thier sleeves to frighten us into accepting their New World Order, World Wars, HAARP triggered "natural disasters", starvation whist they still grow thier bio-fuels, etc etc.

    Then people will be flocking to the JWs who will be saying, "We told you this was going to happen", I bet even a lot of the atheists here will go running back.

    Worshipping a Golden Calf wont bring any of them salvation however, a lot of JWs are going to be very suprised to see their predictions finally coming true, but to find they themselves where predicted at Mathew 24 v 26

  • cobaltcupcake

    I think the Internet will eventually be the death of them. Young people are not going to accept the "Internet is evil" rhetoric, especially since they have to use it for school work, and it's only a matter of time before their curiosity takes them to "apostate" sites, especially since there are so many of them.

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