Witnesses Preach to Dog

by snugglebunny 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • snugglebunny

    "In El Salvador, one man tied his vicious dog in front of the door whenever he saw Jehovah’s Witnesses nearby. The man would wait for the Witnesses to move on, and then he would bring the dog back into the house. The brothers were never able to speak to the man. So one day they decided to try a different approach. Knowing that the man could hear what they were saying, they decided to preach to the dog. They came to the house, greeted the dog, and said how glad they were for the opportunity to speak to it. They talked about the time when there would be a paradise on earth, when no one would be angry—yes, when even the animals would be peaceable. Then they said a polite good-bye to the dog and started down the path. Much to their surprise, the man came out of his house and apologized for never having given the Witnesses the opportunity to speak to him. He accepted the magazines, and a Bible study was started. This man is now our brother—one of the “desirable things”!"

    WT 1-15-2000.

    I guess that brings a whole new meaning to the term "doggeral"..

  • jwleaks
  • ssn587
    What I say is that is just a bs urban legand
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    They're getting more imaginative.
  • ToesUp
    These people are legends in their own minds and bats**t crazy. Even their stories are out right lies! You would think they could do better than that one!
  • WingCommander

    Fo' Shizzle, dog diggity dog! I also call BS on this, primarily because I had heard this one before, many many years ago. It's a total BS urban legend.

    I wonder when they are going to polish up the old Smurf tale and trout that out as actually happening?

    Sheesh.....they really are scraping the bottom of the barrel and tickling the ears of the intellectually retarded, aren't they?

  • confuzzlediam
    WingCommander LOVE the Smurf comment!! I was not allowed to watch the show after all that stuff came out about how Papa smurf was a sorcerer and what not! lol The tales that were spun were scary to me at the time because of how they were presented to me...now I look back and laugh at how out of control it all got! After reading the first part of Crisis of Conscience, I now see that all the "experiences" that are told are just made up to fit their agenda.
  • Sauerkraut
    Outside are the dogs.
  • stuckinarut2

    The dog just listened to the message because he was drawn in by WT pictures of post apocalyptic bones yards!

    He just wanted a piece of that action!

  • Finkelstein

    This dog recently got baptized and is now pioneering full time, what a great witness to Jehovah

    Brother Sparky !

    There is rumors going about he might be telling his story and experience at the next District Assembly.

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