Are you a genius?

by jam 42 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Don’t let my superior brain power and intellect intimidate you my friends...trujw

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Did you count the first line too tec? LOL I was going to and would have got four F's. But then I figured it was the question not the example so only counted three....still missed the blantantly obvious ones because they didn't sound like F's when I looked at them...ha ha ha

    I think that is quite fascinating.

    And I think I've scored and F on this...hee hee hee

  • trujw

    Still thinking love the picture!!!! I hope everyone knows half the time I am being s arcastic it is alot of fun! I really take myself unseriously

  • kurtbethel

    A really top notch genius can whiffread the entire page in three seconds with their third nostril, and then tell you what is encoded in the page by counting out every 47th letter.

    third nostril

  • Splash

    Intelligence. Knowledge. Wisdom.

    Three different things.


  • milola

    7 if you count the one in your question.

  • hoser

    studies show that people of average intellegence make more money and are better socially adjusted than the very intellegent in society.

  • Jeffro


    I don't need to count Fs to be verify my genius.

    Enough said :/


    By Genius do you mean that I am only good at one thing, but can't pick out my own socks? If so, the answer is NO. I believe genius is thrown around as much as the word apostate, and applies just about as often.

  • Terry

    The problem with I.Q. tests is that they are designed with a built-in bias to a very particular problem solving heuristic.

    Drop some genius off in the Outback for a week on their own and see if they come out in a body bag or not.

    Intelligence is location and context specific.

    I can recite Pi to 50 decimal places and it means absolutely nothing other than how weird I am! :)

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