Need Advice. Quick.

by AwSnap 40 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • unstopableravens

    jws will use john 13 verse 35 and say that applies to them ask them to compare that to 1 john 4 :7 which states to have godly love u must be born again or born from god since jw admit they are not born again the bibles type of love does not apply to them.

  • dozy

    The whole "anywhere you go you can find instant friends" thing is true of JWs to an extent but I always found it a bit superficial. Anyway - the same is true of other religions and groups. A friend of mine plays in a brass band & has just moved from the UK to Sydney , Australia & has instantly found friends there as he has joined a band there. I'm not a big fan of "born again" style religions , but their members really seem to be a lot more friendly & sociable than JWs.

    As we all know , the "love" thing bonding JWs together isn't really the case. I often found myself scratching my head wondering exactly what it was I had in common with other JWs & doubltless many felt the same about me. It has always been pretty much skin deep with JWs and a conditional relationship depending on whether you are still going to the meetings.

  • wannabefree

    You can go anywhere in the world and enter a Kingdom Hall, claim to be brother or sister so-and-so from Way Over There, if you pass the basic test you will be love bombed.

    Move into that same congregation and after a while if you don't get into the proper clique, the love cools down and gossip starts.

  • 00DAD

    They love you until they don't. In fact, it's not even "love". It's conditional approval and acceptance with limitations.

    With Witnesses, if you disagree or commit any one of a long list of offenses you will be summarily excommunicated. Then the "love" stops and the shunning begins.

  • Finally-Free
    He's saying you cannot find that with any other group.

    In 1978 my motorcycle broke down on the highway. I made a collect call to my biker bros, bought a six pack, and waited by the side of the road. They rented a U-haul trailor and drove over 200 miles to come and get me and my bike.

    In 1987 my car wouldn't start, but after many calls to my JW "brothers" I couldn't get someone to drive 1 mile to give me a boost. A DF'd guy who lived in my building responded to my call for help though.

    Case closed.


  • DesirousOfChange

    Great comments!

    It's all been covered, such as:

    . . . Jesus' parable of the Good Samaritan? The love was extended to someone outside of the "group".

    The Salvation Army, Catholic Church, Mormons, etc. do this.

    You will NOT see any organized JW effort ever helping beyond other JWs (if that).

    In fact it is like pulling teeth to get them to help a cong. member they've known for 20 yrs.

    That sums it up well.


  • Vanderhoven7

    Too late now...but I would have used the old Family break-up question.

    You know...

    If my family all became JWs, and I changed my mind at some point, would my children have to shun me and consider me as dead?

    Sorry, pressed the submit...instead of the edit button.

    But...just thought of another line of questioning:

    Love is a reflection of God's character - no?

    Does God love everyone?

    Is God going to eternally destroy billions of people at Armageddon? Does He really love these people?

    What if some of these people die a month before Armageddon starts, will they be destroyed eternally as well?

    Wouldn't the loving thing to do then be to kill everyone before Armageddon strikes so that these billions will resurrected and have a chance at life eternal?

  • Vanderhoven7
  • Fernando

    How is it loving for "publishers of the Good News" to hide the "Good News" according to Paul, Moses, Isaiah and Psalms?

    (More than half their own Bible's roughly 152 references to the "Good News" are by Paul!)

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    Just shut the damn door on that JW. That seems to be the only thing they understand.

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