How to fade

by allyouneedislove 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • allyouneedislove

    Hypothetically speaking:

    If a baptized JW is moving to a new city a little less than an hour away from the current congregation, what is the best way to fade? My family will be attending regularly. I need information on how to handle publisher cards, etc. Also, is there a way to see the letter they send the new congregation?

  • OnTheWayOut

    Typically, you cannot see the introduction letter.

    Your post lacks enough information to really suggest ways to fade. It sounds like you and your family will transfer to a new location and your family will attend meetings.

    If it were me, knowing what I now know, I would never attend meetings at the new hall and tell the elders "no thanks" to any shepherding calls.

    If not that, no matter what, you must refuse any privileges whatsoever and establish to the elders that you are spiritually weak and then tell them you are depressed. Lay the foundation.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I moved a couple hours away from my old congregation, outside the circuit, and into a big city. I started with saying I was too busy, then that the KH was in a bad neighborhood. Finally, they got the picture that I had no intention of attending anymore. I left the cards at the old congo.

    Hypothetically, I was tempted to have someone I know in the new neighborhood, non-JW, send a bogus request for my cards and letter. I was a secretary, so I know what the letter should look like. Since nobody in the old congregation knows anyone up here or would bother to ask questions, the old secretary/BoE would send the letter and cards to this "fake secretary." Then my cards would disappear into the trash, and I could have a look at what crap they would put in this letter of introduction.

  • Wide Awake!
    Wide Awake!

    I faded after moving to a new city, but I didn't plan in advance to do it, it just happened.

    If you don't want your publisher card sent, move to the next town and never attend a meeting. But since you mentioned your parents will be involved from time to time, I'm guessing that isn't an option.

    When I moved, I was a MS and the elders later sent a raving letter of recommendation. Since I was burned out, I deliberately kept my hours low so I wouldn't be immediately appointed by the CO when he came around. I wanted a break. As it turned out I never got my hours back on track and eventually became inactive. It's been years since I've been to a meeting.

    If you attend meetings I don't think you can do anything about the letter. Billy's post above has an interesting scenario, but if you get caught doing it, you'll be in trouble for sure.


    Billy's idea is awesome.

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    Good one Billy. Next? Move, often.

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