Will Quantum Computers Simulate Other Universes? Is Our World a Simulation in Some type of Quantum Computer?

by frankiespeakin 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin
  • Satanus

    Ooooh look, a cosmologist. Actually, i like this one. It show the fears that cosmologists face as they move forward in their studies. They move towards membrane theory, as well.

    Tom campbells big toe (theory of eveything) has this as a subset. Because of the scientific method, which binds scientists to the wieghing and measuring everything, they are hobbled. It's a slow and steady method that places eveything, or most things on solid ground.

    They fall back to the possibility of a creator. However, that isn't necesary. Much simpler is to stay w currently proven processes, like the most fundamental one, evolution. Based on principles like fractals and holography, evolution could be an active process involved in the creation of universes, or virtual worlds, if you will as well life on our planet.

    Campbells book can be read at http://books.google.ca/books?id=RYHtBPiZVgsC&pg=PA43&source=gbs_toc_r&cad=4#v=onepage&q&f=false Not an easy read, at over 800 pages. Also, the guy tends to be wordy. If i was his editor, the books size would be a lot smaller. Anyhow, if someone is interested, there it is.


  • frankiespeakin

    Yeah the creator thing was kind of a strange loop but know way of knowing. Nice to see what a high speed quantum computer that could crunch the numbers on possible universes that could cause life. That would be calculating power of our supposed multivers.Maybe better calculate infinities and such.

  • Satanus

    'Yeah the creator thing was kind of a strange loop but know way of knowing.'

    The 'creator' could be a random universe generator on the other side. It could actually be the generator of a lot of other things, too. It just happens that some universes are viable. We are in a viable one. Of course we wouldn't be in a nonviable one, cuz it wouldn't work. Even some scientists get stuck in anthropism or anthropomorphism (one of those words) at times..

    It's like winning a lottery: you can analyse all the factors that went into it and marvel at the chances of everything coming together so the person could win. However, all the zillions that lost are simply ignored.


  • ÁrbolesdeArabia
  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    How long till the Quantum Computer hit's the higher computations, how many years are we looking at 30 or 40 years?



    • Quantum computing is still largely theoretical and there is no agreement on the best way to build a quantum computer. We don't know what a quantum computer capable of complex computing will look like - or even if it is actually possible to build one. We have just begun the journey. We do know whatever the computing device we are using by the mid-century, it will be far more powerful than the computers we use today, just as today's machines greatly overshadow their predecessors."
  • ÁrbolesdeArabia
  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Ever seen ''the thirteenth floor"?

    1999 movie you may find interesting...


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    No, never seen that oz. But I found it on utube.. . Just found the trailer for the 1999 movie. There seems to be a lot of 13th floor movies out there.


    Is this the one you're talking about?

  • still thinking

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