Need some help!!!!! ***URGENT***

by sinis 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • DesirousOfChange

    I think you should seriously discuss with your wife the realization that her mother was told that she would never get old or die. What went wrong? Very likely, her mother was much younger even than those who qualified to be the "Millions Now Living Will Never Die". Again, what went wrong? Did Jehovah deliberately mislead all of those people, including her mother? If what the Watchtower says about this issue is flat ass wrong?, then WHAT ELSE is wrong? Where is the evidence of Jehovah's Spirit?

    The death of her Mother should be making her QUESTION the Organization. NOT return to it. It exposes another of their False Prophecies.


  • whathappened

    I was also going to suggest you "accidentally" put this friend's email address on your unsafe list or just delete her and allow her to think she is being ignored.

    I hope you were tactful in your email. This could be upsetting to your wife.

  • LisaRose

    You could block the emails so they go to the junk mail automatically, but really that is not fair to your wife. You should just sit down with her and have a discussion. Ask why she is tempted to go back. Although its understandable you are upset, this is her decision, if she is doing it just for you it wont work.

  • Left in the Cold
    Left in the Cold

    This is obviously a very emotional time for your wife. Do you think maybe she will back off from meetings and her JW friend again once her emotions and her grief subside? Too much to hope for? Also, maybe you should let your wife know that you emailed her friend before your wife finds out another way. Just a thought. Good luck!

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I'd probably have blown a gasket in your situation. I hope you are able to keep your wife from going back.

  • braincleaned

    I'm on the fence here. On one side, my skin crawls at the idea your wife would even consider going back to the Borg - on the other, she should enjoy the freedom of choice when it comes to her own life. Tough one, i know. I hope she smartens up to reality and reason. Otherwise, I fear you must respect her choice. I have that delemma with my 2 kids - one attracted to the borg, the other, like me - a happy atheist. I must respect the freedom to chose for both.
    All I can do is try to reason with delicatness... we all have to make personal choices.

    I do feel for you very strongly. Hang in there, and be as smooth as you can. Reason lovingly with her. Any ill-placed passion will throw her their way. Trust me on that one.

  • braincleaned

    I just wanted to add that a shared email is a BIG mistake (although apparently conveniant at this time).

    Also, NewChapter has a point about relationships and this situation, IMHO...

  • sinis

    Thanks everyone. I had to put my foot down. My wife and I are happy. Happier than we have ever been. However, this "friends" subtle emails about going back to Jehovah so that she can see her mom again in the resurrection is beyond boiling my blood. Why would anyone return to this vomit? I'm fighting the spiritual warfare guerilla style... I informed her friend in a polite manner that I will not tolerate this indoctrination given the current situation and that if she continues to talk about JW's, and religion in general I will cut of the communication - especially if she divulges the conversation with my wife. I'm just so tired of their shit! Leave US alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My wife has had NO JW thoughts or going back until her mom died and this "friend" smooth talked her way in...

    Plus EVERY email from this "friend" is ALWAYS about Jehovah. Never a, "hi, how are you?" or anything else just friendly. Always a purpose, like they are counting their time or something...

  • notjustyet

    Has she ever read:

    1. Combatting Cult Mind Control by Steven Hassan ?

    2. Captives of a Concept by Don Cameron ?

    3. Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz?

    I would think that once she figured out that the ORg is not able to deliver on their promises she might see the light and realize that returning would be

    a mistake.

    These books are VERY important in keeping a person out of the Borg.


  • sinis

    No, but I could suggest them. Thanks.

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