Does This Happen to You? I Need Help :/

by DarioKehl 37 Replies latest jw experiences

  • DarioKehl

    Hey guys...

    I have a few important questions for everyone. This applies to doubters, faders, inactive, DFed or seasoned apostates. First, let me set it up:

    Ok, I'm in year 2 of my fade. Some of my family knows that I'm "struggling" but I have not had the guts to just come right out and explain it all. There is a lot at stake, so, I have to prolong the misery. Because of this, I believe I am guilty of giving them false hope that I'll eventually come around. Then there are days after I read experiences on this forum, talk to other escapees or listen to motivating stories online or via podcast and I get all pumped up and passionate about defending my escape. I rehearse conversations I want to have with friends and family over and over in my mind. I've rehearsed so well, I could easily defuse any of their predicted comebacks or apologetics. I am confident that I could do this in a tactful, loving, non-combative way without sounding like I'm specifically anti-JW. It seems, no matter how confident I get, one minor thing can send me right back into the old JW paranoia mindset that I thought I overcame.

    This week, I spoke with a family member who doesn't know my full story (at least, I think she doesn't). During conversations with friends and family who are still inside, I always wear the "JW hat" to maintain my cover. However, in this recent conversation, she brought up the names of a few exJWs in the area, shared some current rumors about them and used the word "apostate." Now understand, I keep occasional contact with these exJWs and do a good job of being very low key about it. She relayed gossip to me about these people that I know is not true. Some rumors are grossly exaggerated, others are totally false. Nevertheless, rumors are flying about them inside the JW community. I wanted to defend them, but knew that if I did, it would blow my cover. So I had to feign ignorance, surprise and outrage. I was forced to participate and provide the appropriate JW reaction to gossip about "apostates."

    I've had to do this in the past and had no problems. But for some reason, this conversation sent me down a spiral of mental anguish. While wearing this JW "hat," I got a potent reminder of just how horribly apostates and exJWs are perceived from within the bOrg. When she mentioned that term "apostate" about my friends, it had a profound emotional impact. I know these people. I understand their experiences. I know they're not bad or evil. In most cases, they've actually improved their own personalities! But to JWs, that's all they are: apostates. And with that one word, these people are labled with so many terrible and scary things!

    I haven't slept for days and I've been paranoid ever since. ("Wait a sec, I thought she was cool--she's expressed doubts to me privately before and I know there are things she doens't take seriously, so why would she throw out such a harsh label and believe in and pass along this gossip?" "OMG she must know I'm frineds with them! Did she bring these names up to fish me out? Is she trying to catch me in an admission?") I reverted back to my own JW mindset when I was still active. I remembered how i felt about apostates when i was active. Even tho I had my own doubts and privately broke JW rules at the time, I still had such a revulsion for anything "apostate." It was automatic when I heard that word. They were icky, scary, demon-possessed people (even tho I knew back then that I was agnostic, "demonic" still packs a punch). They are the "bad guy" in every child's favorite comic book or TV series. "Apostates" brings up the same emotional reaction Americans felt when the twin towers were hit or when Pearl Harbor was attacked or when a visiting rival cheats and gets away with scoring against your favorite home team. They are the enemy. "Apostates have nothing better to do with their time than attack us." Do you remember feeling that way about apostates? For some reason, that automatic trigger fired during this conversation. I relived all those feelings and emotions JWs have about ex-members. It was terrible, because I got a first-hand reminder of how my friends are perceived. And for the first time, I applied that to myself. That's exactly how they will think of me if they ever find out: the destructive and evil enemy whose only interest is attacking a prized possession. It kills me to think that I will be the cause of those feelings--however inappropriate and inaccurate they may be--in people I deeply care about. I don't want to hurt them! I don't want to be thought of as an evil, dirty enemy who draws a line in the sand, crosses it, turns back and taunts them! That's not what we're about, but they'll never understand our side of the story!I am deeply troubled by this.

    Does this ever happen to anyone here? If so, how do you come to terms with it? For sensitive people like me, who put a lot of emphasis on what others think, how do you deal with this? How did you finally decide to be open about your opposition, even though you knew that in the eyes of every JW, you'd discard the white hero's uniform and replace it with the "evil enemy's" black uniform? Is the mental and emotional freedom from JW bondage worth the torment of knowing how you are perceived by people you really care about who are still inside the bOrg? Does it get better over time? If you've reverted into these powerful emotions, will they occur less frequently? I am so sad right now I could cry.

  • DarioKehl

    I've even thought about just making up a story to get DFed. Being DFed for a "sin" would at least make sense to my family and JW friends. I don't know what to do right now.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    when u leave, they will make up whatever story about u to help solidify in their minds, that u made that wrong decision by leaving, and they are making the right decision by staying. Anyone who leaves is an apostate, who is seeking out outhers to worship them.

  • cobaltcupcake

    I had to get to a place where I didn't care what other people thought before I could DA myself. In order to do that I had to create some distance between myself and the congregation members.

    I knew they were largely insincere when they tried to "encourage" me, and their hypocrisy helped me realize that these people have no power over what I think of myself, which is the most important opinion.

    People come and go in your life, but you live with yourself forever. If you know you're living a lie you can't be happy, and that will affect your self-esteem more than the poorly informed opinions of congregation members.

    The JW organization allows the existence of pedophiles in their ranks. Its doctrine about blood kills people. It is an evil mind-control cult. "Apostasy" against such a religion is noble, not shameful.

  • BluesBrother

    Personally, I think that all that is required in such a conversation is to remind them that the WT warns us against spreading,or listening to rumors about others - actually the study of Oct 14 just gone warned against such "uncontrolled speech"

    August 15 WT

    "6 Consider some other reasons why we might be critical of others.One could

    be that we desire to make our own accomplishments more noticeable. In effect,

    we may be attempting to look taller by pushing others down. Or we may be

    trying to excuse our own failure to take positive action. Whether pride, envy, or

    insecurity is driving us, the result is destructive."

    Some dubs will always spread gossip and invent reasons to avoid others - let them get on with it. The important thing should be to know that the WT itself speaks against it, only avoiding those whom have been announced as d/f'd.

    Why are ex believers hated so much? I guess they are feared, or at least their ideas are. It is like Orwell's book 1984 when the character "Goldstein" was hated so much. He was a symbol of dissent which they feared in the way that the "Evil Slave" is feared today

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    I am conflicted about some of the things you have mentioned, DK. So, I hope that you try to put your mind at ease and take care of yourself. And if all this is causing you so much anxiety that you are becoming "paranoid" or not sleeping then perhaps it's time to talk to a counselor.

    There's nothing wrong with needing to cry and letting out your emotions, but if you cannot stop crying or are very sad and not sleeping, please get some help from a professional so you can learn how to cope with your situation.


    Dario- a person can be self-sensitive and yet not care what others think, but at least you care enough that you don't want to hurt them. If you are going to LOSE your family then continue to fade and try as best as you can not to take remarks about "apostates" personally. You already know the JW mindset. You're in, so you must have at one point avoided "apostates", etc.

    One more thing, I think it is more important how you feel about yourself each and every day and not to worry about what others think about you. Can you live with this facade forever or do you just want to start living YOUR life?

    And I don't look at it as being a "hero" or being "evil". Although, in my JW life I am quiet about a lot of things, I have also been very vocal about hypocrisy(I am laughing because I would now be considered the HYPOCRITE). But, the people that know me or know me as much as I've permitted, know that they can no longer push me too much or I will push back. At some point you have to just be yourself, Dario.

    How much longer are you planning to "Fade"? Have you set a time frame? I don't know how long you are planning, but I know a fade is not forever. At some point in time you will just have to DA.

    Good Luck. I hope you find your way.

  • DarioKehl

    Thank you for your replies, everyone. Very good points were raised.

    Rip VW, I have had therapy before, but never for this issue. I think I should have a few more sessions to work out this cult escape stuff. I've been looking for one who deals with that specifically (who doesn't charge $10K like Steven Hassan lol).

  • WTDeserter

    Hi DarioKehl,

    I can relate to your feelings :(

    Dubs are taught that if you leave, you will become worse than an unbeliever. If your life contradicts this teaching they will either have to admit that what they have been thought is wrong or invent something that makes you look bad to protect their beliefs. When I stared fading a rumors were started, although these were ridiculous they did the job, long before I DA-d myself some would not greet me and were afraid to talk to me.

    Dubs are also taught that they should be on guard as it is your goal to damage their faith. I experienced a number of times that former “friends” would approach me and curiously ask questions. I could sense their surprise and confusion, as I did not fit into the role that they were anticipating, but I also found that once they had the information they would withdraw and play the “I’m a good little Dub and do not talk to DA-d people” role. So now if they approach me it is I that does not want to speak to them. I no longer feel compelled to convince former friends and relatives that I am not evil, just trying to live a normal life.

    Find people that have common interests, be with people who are fun to be with!

  • braincleaned

    Always bear in mind that there is no way to leave this organisation with your dignity. That, unfortunately is a FACT.
    I had to force myself to not care anymore. It was my conscience against the bigotry of the very ones I love.

    I chose to be an outright apostate. Ironically, I'm still a fader, as I have slipped thru the claws of the WTS. But, I'm ready to get DFed with shame - as I blog very openly and full throttle.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    DK, Don't beat yourself up over it. This has been a learning exercise for how you might handle it next time.

    I don't know if I'm much for advice in this case. I'm also a fader, so with many of the dubs I'd encounter, I know that I can't say anything without possibly rocking the boat. In a case like this, you're correct that if you raised objections, you would probably would come under attack. My first reaction when they started down that conversation, I'd play "not interested", well, unless it's something that I think has merit and I'm interested in. A gossip will only do their dirty work when they have an audience. If the fact that I'm not really listening doesn't get them to switch gears, I'll try changing the subject. By then, most get the hint. It they don't, I'll start subtly questioning their interest in "apostates". Have they been talking to apostates to get this information? Perhaps the strongest I did, and only had to do once, was tell someone, "hmm, well that's really something shocking that you've told me about XXX. If I see them, I'll certainly let them know about this story that's going around, so they'll be more careful next time."

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