Training Day w/Denzel Washington

by patio34 23 Replies latest social entertainment

  • patio34

    We just viewed the video last nite.

    Very interesting film. Denzel, of course, is up for 'Best Actor' for it. All in all i liked it. On the really rough side. Anyone else seen it?

    UADNA-CA(Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America-California)

  • outnfree

    I saw it, Pat.

    I loved it! Of course, I love 'most anything with Denzel in it. Found it highly entertaining and well worth the price of the theater ticket. Lots of action!


    It's what you learn after you know it all that counts -- John Wooden

  • dubla


    its strange that you started this thread.......we watched the movie last night as well, and i thought about starting this exact thread today.

    i think you described the movie well when you called it "interesting". i never really had it figured out until the was like you didnt know who to root for. it was slow in parts, and the plot was sketchy most of the way through, but as a whole i thought it was an excellent film, extremely entertaining. denzel was great, though my girlfriend and i couldnt quite figure out why he got nominated for best actor......didnt really seem like the "best actor" type script, or plot. anyhow, good flick, definitely original.


  • gilwarrior

    I saw the movie on DVD yesterday.

    dubla, I can understand why Denzel was nominated for Best Actor. He is usually known for his nice guy roles, but this time he played a bad guy and did a great job.

    "I have so much love to give, but no one to give it to."

    William H. Macy - "Magnolia"

  • dubla


    i agree that denzel did a phenomenal job in an uncharacteristic role for him. maybe i was unclear with my statement....what i was saying, is that typically films with oscar nominations have a certain feel to them, you know? i realize best actor is for individual performance, and im not by any means saying he isnt deserving of the just didnt feel like an oscar winning script.


  • Almost There
    Almost There

    I think they nominated him for this role out of guilt for screwing him over on two movies he should have won the Oscar in my opinion - Malcolm X and Hurricane.

  • patio34

    Dubla, i agree that it wasn't the usual 'blockbuster' type film that would garner any nominations.

    It does take a while to catch all the plot parts.

    UADNA-CA(Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America-California)

  • waiting

    Hi Pat!

    I read where they're making a Training Day II with Ethan Hawke.

    Has anybody seen D. Washington's new movie "John Q"?

    I haven't seen either of these movies.


  • Black Man
    Black Man

    Almost There:
    You are sooo right with your assessment on Hurricane and Malcolm X. He mos-def should have won an Oscar for those roles.

    I think he did a tremendous job on Training Day not only because he played the bad role instead of his characteristic good guy roles, but because HE WAS THE MOVIE. He took a so-so script and plotline and turned that movie into something worth spending your 8 bucks on.....

  • patio34

    Another thought about the movie. I looked up some older articles on the scandal in the Los Angeles Police Department, Rampart Division in 1999. This movie seems to have been based on that. The guy in the wheel chair, waiting while someone is bleeding (in the real LAPD scenario, the guy died) while the cops got their cover stories straight, etc. Really interesting!

    UADNA-CA(Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America-California)

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