What happened To The Plane At The Pentegon?

by Guest 77 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus


    5. Missing debris. If you look at the plane crash site in Pennsylvania, there is also nothing left of the plane.
    Up to now hasn't there always been largely intact wrecks, unless the plane is exploded in the air?


  • RunningMan

    I liked this comment of Amazing's, "There is no need... for the government to cover over what really happened."


    What could possibly be wilder than a terrorist-hijacked plane ramming into several landmarks in the heart of the country? The Federal building in Oklahoma City was hit by a fertilizer bomb. If anything, that had less impact than the events of 9-11.

    What would be the motive of the cover up? What could possibly be any worse?

  • Amazing

    Runningman: First, I also stated that any concealment of certain facts would be in the event that some classified aspects of the undergroud structure were exposed.

    However, Chasson made a much better case by linking us to the French site that exposes this as a hoax, rendering my comments as very secondary speculative explanation. I was trying to explain things as if the hoax were not a hoax.

    Saint Satan: Not all plane crashes leave large derbis. It depends on the nature of impact, the speed, and load of the plane including fuel. But again, my above comments have less merit in view of the hoax cited by Chasson. I defer to that as the best explanation.

    PS: I edited my comments above to include this alternative site in English, with photos included: http://www.snopes2.com/rumors/pentagon.htm

    It appears that the plane crashed with wings closer to horizontal, and folded in on impact. So, almost the entirety of my first discussion is pointless. Also, it appears while I am correct about the heavy construction design of the Pentagon, it is not as sturdy as I initially believed, but it is still far more sturdy than the WTC. This would better explain why the wings would fold in on impact, unlike the WTS where the full wing pattern could be seen shortly after impact.

    Following Bible principles, we will avoid trying to live - or demand others to live - by an extensive and rigid set of dos and don'ts that go beyond the teachings of the Bible. The Watchtower, 4-15-02, pg 22, pp 15

  • RunningMan

    Amazing: Although there is nothing that I would like to see better than the WatchTower Society folding on impact, I think you may have meant "WTC".

  • chasson

    The big problem is that the author of this theory is something who has made good works against racism, political extremism and Opus Dei.

    Now he is becoming mad...

    Well for the lover of the several conspiracy's theory this men is freemason ;-)



  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    I want to thank everyone for their input.

    Guest 77

  • ofcmad

    The conspiricy theorists are coming out of the wood work. I agree with some of the posters that said that all the witnesses must be hallucinating. Plus the video released must be digitally remastered.

    This is so ridiculous.

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