Questions/Points That Went Unanswered

by Still Recovery 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Elephant


    ...I've read about you around've been deemed guilty of something very sinister it seems...

    ...what's your take on this place so far?...

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Thanks for the comments and the sarcasm and the insults. It's good to be back.

    Not from me. Welcome back, buddy.

    I see Elephant wants to make your acquainence. Just those little snarky one sentence comments to try and villify the whole board.

  • Tylinbrando

    Sarcasm is hard to type. Rule of thumb, you will not survive here if overly sensitive. Don't show your cards by calling people out and giving them the satisfaction that they are getting under your skin.

  • shamus100

    Hello darling.... :)

    Come to me, I'll protect you from the awful people!

  • jookbeard

    as I said in your Olin Moyle thread I think you should make a full public unequivocal apology to Mr Paul Grundy of in the shabby way you treated him, if your are any man with any ounce of decency and common respect you would, I doubt you are though.

  • shamus100

    Which question / point may I help answer, darling? :D

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    if your are any man with any ounce of decency and common respect you would, I doubt you are though.

    Did you have to include the last 5 words? That was just a jab. He's done some stuff wrong, but he's been honest about his position and what he's trying to prove to himself. Leave him alone...

  • jookbeard

    CA, I dont recall any him showing any humility or apology since his almost obsessive stalking of, this is a person who publicly stated in half a dozen odd public threads that his site was full of lies, in his Olin Moyles user name he was back to his usual sarcastic, pedantic ego in a very short space of time, I think we know it's true colours by now. It being Spade/Bane/Eggnogg/Alice/Conferecy/Olin Moyles or whichever alter ago it is this week.

  • biblecheck

    It always humours me when Jehovah's Witness go online to engage "apostates" in conversation - because in doing so they're directly disobeying the very organization they're defending.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    CA, I dont recall any him showing any humility or apology since his almost obsessive stalking of

    Yeah, but can't we be the bigger person? Can't we show ourselves to be respectable after coming out of the Watchtower? Can't we show that we've learned real love after coming out of an organization that spouts off how they are the ONLY people that show true love? It's like with kids, "Why did you hit him?" "Because he hit me!"

    No, I've known too many people that were JWs, came to sites like this to engage us and prove us wrong, and then learned that they were wrong all along.

    By our insulting him and being critical, we can drive him away and make him feel like it's true that only those in the organization are loving. Or we could welcome him, answer him respectably, and help him to see that there is life outside of the Watchtower. Happy life. Real life. True life. Life that is not based on the rules and regulations of a man made organization that makes claims to supreme power from an ultimate authority. Belief in a God that is not the judgmental one that the Watchtower teaches.

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