Jw.com and titles?

by master chief 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • teejay

    [in my best Andy Rooney voice...]

    Didja ever notice that the people who always say, "the number of posts a person has made doesn't matter" hasn't made many?

    Just KIDDING!!

    It's a JOKE!!!
  • ashitaka

    I just posted this on another thread, but I thought it was appropriate here, too. Just a joke someone sent me today...

    The Fly

    A happy, little fly was buzzing around a barn one day, when she happened
    upon a large pile of fresh horse manure. Since it had been hours since her
    last meal and she was feeling hunger pangs, she flew down to the
    irresistible delicacy and began to munch out. She ate... And ate...and
    then .. she ate some more!!!

    Finally, she decided she'd had plenty. She washed her face with her tiny
    front legs, belched a few times, then attempted to fly away. But
    alas...she had pigged out far too much and could not get off the ground.
    She looked around wondering what to do about this unpleasant situation
    when she spotted a pitchfork leaning upright against the barn wall. She'd
    found a solution!! She realized if she could just become airborne she'd be
    able to fly again. So, she painstakingly, climbed to the top of the
    handle. Once there, she took a deep breath, spread her tiny fly wings, and
    leaped confidently into the air. She dropped like a rock and splattered
    all over the floor! Dead Fly....

    The moral of this sad story?


    Never fly off the handle when you know you're full of shit.

  • master chief
    master chief

    I totally agree with you violet this white and black thing really gets to me.I have definetly noticed how people cling to titles and labels strive to be better or different and theres nothing wrong with being different but if we strive to gain titles to say potray a kind of superiority i think thats sad.For instance when i used to go to the hall because i had a skinhead people would label me as being maybe racist or neonazi, you see they where very clicky at my hall but did i care, not a chance because i have high self esteem and dont worry what narrow minded people think about.

  • WildHorses

    Well, I don't care about the titles realy. I will always feel like small potatoes compared to many of the others.

    BUT, I do like the jedi title. I like having the force be with me

    I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
  • Amazing

    Heck, I had a call the other day from a man who identified himself as "President Peterson." I knew he could not be the President of the USA ... so I asked what in the hell he was President of ... to which he replied he was an LDS (Mormon) Stake President ... (kind of like a JW CO) ... and I said, "Oh, I see." ... and asked if I could help him. After that I ignored his title.

    On another ocassion, I was helping some people rescue a man in a motorboat who had a heart attack. While we were manually pushing his boat to shore for the ambulance, a man on the dock yelled, "Never fear, the President of the Puget Sound Yatch Club is here! I will make sure everything is okay, because I was just elected President and have the authority to get help for you."

    He was an old goofy guy, be he really was the club prez. However, the funny thing was that someone else already called the ambulance. he just stood there and shouted while we struggled to get the boat in.

  • rhett

    I pay no attention to them but do wonder why they're there. What purpose do thry serve? The only thing they mean to me is that some people have way too much free time and spend too much time here. Hell, I've been thinking about getting a new screen name just so I won't have to admit to people I've posted hundreds of times on here.
    Oh yeah, you can't say the titles don't mean anything because how many threads are on here where people are celebrating because they hit 1,000? I think this will answer your question if they mean anything.

    I don't feel like Satan but I am to them.

  • larc

    Hey rhett, et al,

    There is only one other person who has more posts than I do, and that is Waiting. I don't celebrate anything, in terms of numbers of posts. So why am I here? TO HELP OTHERS. I have been out of that religion for longer than most posters here have lived. I am retired and I choose to spend many hours here, to help the nervous lurker who puts up their first post. I try to give advice as best I can to the poor soul who is dating a Witness, etc, etc, etc, So, it is not a matter of status or the number of posts for the vast majority of us who spend considerable time here, with much effort and thougt that are put into what we do.

  • Simon

    The titles are really a bit of fun and nothing more. All they count is the number of posts which a computer can do easily ... they do not represent any quality whatsoever. For that a post/poster rating would be needed.

    The titles got added to over time for different landmark numbers as a bit of fun, especially when waiting clocked up so many

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