Urban Legend, or TRUTH? How did story of Ray Franz "spitting on" Karl Kline get started?

by dreamgolfer 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Farkel

    When I met Ray, I thanked him for his first book and told him it validated every reason I left the WTS long before he was DFd.

    He spit on me.

    I asked him why he spit on me. He said, "Well, I spit on Karl Klein. Why not you?"

    I replied, "I would have spit on Klein, too. He was the resident GB idiot."

    His reply? "I like to spit on people. I spit on Cynthia all the time."

    So I spit on him.

    There. Now you know the entire truth.


  • binadub

    Both rumours (legends) are absurd.

    I lived briefly with the Franzes while Ray and I prepared his second book for publication . (My career was in publishing.)
    He absolutely did not smoke and never cursed. He was the epitome of mildness. He enjoyed good tasteful humor.

    He held no grudges toward the WT GBs. His feelings about them were very accurately expressed in CoC.

    Under what circumstances does anyone think that the DF'd Ray would have been/could have been at the funeral of a "mutual friend" with a member of the GB? It's absurd.


  • maisha

    The organisation is a rumor mill, it pumps out the lastest and greatest gossip daily emailed worldwide to a chain reaction of so called true faithful.

    this group pride themselves in being the elites,, you dont just join it it takes special invites and bonding over years.

    If a rumor is spread via this channel it travels unquestioned in hours worldwide.

    I remember when the Franz issue came, it was spread around that he had been putting in false trinity teachings and misleading informations into the study articules,

    Elders at the time made comments about how some things in study articules were not sounding right, I wondered at the time hwo this could be that one man could change so many things, but when asked which things were not right never a reply came.

    trust in jehovah he always finds out and cleans his organisation is the answer...

    THATS A JOKE!...

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