My birthday

by Chariklo 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • grumblecakes

    happy birthady charlie!!! 10/11/12 is extra lucky i think ;)

    yay we both haveoctober birthdays and are celebrating them for the first time!!! cheers!!! (grumblecakes raises a glass)

  • Chariklo

    Hey grumblecakes, I didn't realise you were freshly out. Like me, though I was only in in an unbaptised way. I haven't caught up with your story.

    Thinking about yesterday made me wonder about how lifelong, or at least, thoroughly-in, JW's feel about birthdays etc once they're out. The whole WT "reasoning" reality mindless parroting, not real reasoning...on birthdays is so strong.

    The Watchtower takes good things and spoils them. Takes good people, damages them and spoils them. Turns others into mindless automatons, and others into bullies. And they call themselves Christians?

  • grumblecakes

    hey charliko,

    totally agree. even they know the reasons for not celbrating birthdays are weak at best. i remeber about 12 years ago or so they had a talk on it at convention (or at least addressed it in a part) and i thought "oh good, were finally gonnna get a decent reason". but nope,same old song and dance about "only mentioned 2 times in the bible..."

    last year i didnt really celebrate any holidays but i did make a few comprimises that made me uncomfortable. this year tho, no guilt.

  • straightshooter

    Happy birthday, may the power of Thor be with you.

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