Cedars, I'm Thankful That You Are Here!!!

by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • soft+gentle

    its the other way round vidiot - he has a problem with a few but I'm sure he doesn't really mind and can take disagreement with a shrug. isn't that so cedars?

  • minimus

    Cedars is a guy that's got it all together.

    Every once in a while you run into a Blondie, a Barbara or a Cedars.

    Lucky us!

  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    How soon we forget. There were several posters who wanted to tar and feather Cedars when he first started the 2011 Global Survey. He was new here and was looking for any monetary support he could find to keep SurveyMonkey going. A few even implied he was running a scam.

    I'm glad he got through all of that and went on to become one of our very best journalists. I am proud to call him my friend even though I have never met him in person. And I think Mrs. Cedars is nice too.

    They both really need to update their wardrobes. They dress like middle-aged people from the 1930s...


  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    I take that back. Mrs. Cedars dresses like a young hottie from the 1930s...


  • cofty

    Just want to endorse the sentiments of the OP. Cedars delivers while others are still talking about it.

  • Bangalore

    Agreed. He is one of the scholarly posters here.


  • WildeLover

    I really enjoy reading what Cedars has to offer.

    his thoughts, theads etc have ben thought provoking, reasonable and loical. all weapons we need against the Cult.

    thank you C

    i am glad you are here too..


  • minimus

    SEE....Cedars is appreciated!

  • tresdecu

    I agree!

  • cedars

    Thanks folks, this is getting embarrassing now! I will pay you all as agreed.

    Now let's break this up and focus on other threads.


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