Possible Reasons For The Faithful And Discreet Slave Change

by DT 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • DT

    "but couldnt they announce that "_______ is no longer a Jehovahs witness" without any legal rammifications? isnt that why they stopped using "df'ed & da'ed"? so they can still fommand the cong to shun and not be sued?"

    They could certainly try and possibly succeed. I'm not sure if these issues have been specifically addressed with Jehovah's Witnesses. They have won cases where that announcement came immediately after someone was disfellowshipped. The situation might be different for someone who can prove or at least claim that they have stopped being a Jehovah's Witness for a significant period of time. Yes the announcement would be true, but I don't think it would be hard to prove that it involves actual punishment since it is code for start shunning that person. In theory, there is a limited window of opportunity for the Watchtower Society to punish former members. I don't think the courts in the U.S. have had an opportunity to rule on this. (Disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer and these are just my opinions. I'm not qualified to give legal advice.)

  • Vidiot
    DT - "This is a change in a core doctrine that changes the power structure of the organization."

    No it's not.

    Its a consolidation of where the power structure was already; a pretty natural evolution, considering.

  • Vidiot
    grumblecakes - "i would add to the speculation that they are going to make more changes (even more controversial ones) and this was their needed first step, so their authority could not be questioned by anyone, no matter how weird they get (i have a feeling they are going to get more strict about some things and make some financial decisions that could upset the flock)."

    I came to this conclusion a while ago.

    They're totally gonna get weirder and weirder and make themselves more and more marginilized.

    It's probably for the best.

  • DT

    "Its a consolidation of where the power structure was already; a pretty natural evolution, considering."

    I tend to agree. However, I'm referring to the claim that Jehovah's Witnesses have agreed to follow the direction of the Faithful And Discreet Slave (as previously understood) and therefore are subject to the organization's disciplinary procedures. Changing the identity of the FDS in a move to consolidate power calls into question whether the Governing Body has any right to discipline those who refuse to accept this change.

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