Careers after the Truth

by Demitrius 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Demitrius

    I assume that there are people out there who feel the same way as me. Such as when they were growing up in the 'Truth', did they forego career/college/university because the new system was just around the corner?

    Now I look back and regret the waste. Still, one has to move on.

  • lydia


    Welcome to the board!!

    I did the opposite thing - I gave up on the career I had chosen - in part to be able to pioneer ( I never did get to the regular status - I couldn't stand it!! ) and partly to be a good wife and avoid "worldly bad associations" - funny that my x didn't see the need to stop his associating with his mistress..
    Anyhow, Now I am still out of the field I had attended college for - but I am happier and now toying with pursueing my real dream - to have a design studio for quilting or run a craft buisness of some sort.

    I did attend classes on alterations of clothing with the brothers approval - but I think that this mayhave ben due to the amount of alterations I did for them all the time to size down their suits - or let out the pants!

    Do I feel bad about it??


    I love and treasure the time I have had with my children as a Home Engineer, I have become a better cook and dressmaker, along with pursueing varous other hand crafted skills. Sad that so many don't know or appreciate the simple things in life.
    Peace to you!!


  • Introspection

    I wasn't raised in the truth but was around it during my teens, and while it was an influence to not go to college at the time I think a lot of it was me - I'm not exactly the industrious type. However I also don't regret the whole thing because of what I've learned from these years, and I don't mean "don't join a cult" or something simplistic like that. The thing is the way I overcame all of it is by learning how to deal with my mind and live with a sense of ease, and seeing as how some people who've never been in a restrictive religious group don't even achieve that in their lifetime, I think it all turned out for the best. I think most of it depends on what you do with those experiences.

  • JAVA

    Welcome to the forum Demitrius!

    Yes, I'm sure many former JWs wish they didn't forego some building blocks that could have helped them earn a living wage or gain personal insight. However, I've seen many move on nicely with and without a college background.

    Obviously, it's easier getting a college degree when one is right out of high school with fewer responsibilities. Many of us missed that window of opportunity because of our JW mind set, and pressure to enter the Watchtower's fulltime sales force. I started college when I was around 40, but it would have been better if I had a 20-year headstart. Many on this forum have done very well without college, but I'm sure most of us would be better off today (at least financially) if we had not wasted many years enriching the Watchtower.

  • Introspection

    BTW as far as education and career, I've completed about 2 years of college so far and am currently taking some time out to study massage therapy. I figure college will be a long term goal and may turn out to be just intellectual pursuit.

  • new boy
    new boy

    Demitrius, -------------are you the same Demitrius on the waiter crew, in the "70's" N.Y bethel?------------Keith C.

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